Silkie thread!

Thanks everyone!
Sanna- the eggs were dummies since they were infertile. I think my rooster needs a trim, none of my eggs have been fertile lately :/
I got 2 black Cochins, a white Silkie, some kind of buff bearded/feather legged thing (it died though, they gave it to me since it wasn't looking good- at least it passed toasty warm :( ), I *think* 2 blue OEGB, and I honestly have no idea what the black and white are- but they were so cute I couldn't resist them, so I got 2! Ellie Mae is thoroughly enjoying the remaining 7 babies.
Crafty Chick- unless you can vent sex, you'll have to wait until they're older- which is what I do (and cross my fingers I have some girls :fl )
how do these 2 look?
Thanks everyone!
Sanna- the eggs were dummies since they were infertile. I think my rooster needs a trim, none of my eggs have been fertile lately

I got 2 black Cochins, a white Silkie, some kind of buff bearded/feather legged thing (it died though, they gave it to me since it wasn't looking good- at least it passed toasty warm
), I *think* 2 blue OEGB, and I honestly have no idea what the black and white are- but they were so cute I couldn't resist them, so I got 2! Ellie Mae is thoroughly enjoying the remaining 7 babies.
Crafty Chick- unless you can vent sex, you'll have to wait until they're older- which is what I do (and cross my fingers I have some girls
Good thing you got her some babies so she's not sitting on eggs for nothing.
I was hoping I could break her and she'd try again when the weather warmed up. BUT she had become exceedingly grumpy to the point where she was attacking my feet and making the other hens miserable. Buying a few chicks was so worth not dealing with that anymore! She's sweet as pie again, I sure missed sweet Ellie, the broody monster she had become was scary :oops:
So is that what a walnut comb looks like on a silkie roo?
The comb on the rooster doesn't look like a walnut comb. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Here's a picture I found through Google. It's a white bearded rooster named Elliot, owned by BarnGoddess01. He has a walnut comb.


Dakota and one of the silkies

Although this photo may look like a cute bonding moment, follow his line of site to a little brown lump in front of the silkie. That was a pile of silkie poo that was scarfed down by Kota right after this picture was taken
Although he may be a doll, he's still a dog and does nasty dog things
RockerHen love that dogs love chicken poo as well

sun was out so i put my almost 3 mth olds out for some sun...they were babies from my splash roo and my avatar and her sister....

two of them seem white but the others are quite blue in hue and some have great dark splashes...I think i might use them with my splash pen...
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