Silkie thread!

So here's a question I have. What do you do with your first egg? Do you try to hatch it or eat it? I'm not sure she's broody yet. I have the egg sitting in the house at room temp for now.

I photographed it, checked for fertility then ate it lol I still have the pic hanging up in my incubation room- Kinda like the first dollar in a store thing
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I'm glad I found this while reading through the forum. I've got a little roo who's lavender in color with medium grey streaks on him. I was wondering if he was a splash because he's so light in comparison to the splash pullet I have. Even if he is a washed out splash, he's a beautiful bird. I love how silvery he is.
It is not uncommon for a self-blue to have grey streaks though they are not desirable. If streaks have a similar mirror image on both sides of the bird it is likely a self-blue. Here is a self-blue cockerel for comparison.

is there a way you can make chicken diaper for a 3 week old silkie chick
How about a bandaid?
It's a happy day here in New Orleans. I got my first ever egg!!!
It's from my blue hen and black roo. At least I think the black roo is the daddy. I also have a pair of cuckoo Polish and I saw that roo with my Silkie hen a couple days ago. Anyway, here are some pictures for you. Isn't it pretty for a 1st egg?
Here's mom - Stormey and dad - Elvis (from Bobbi Porto's Nitro) So here's a question I have. What do you do with your first egg? Do you try to hatch it or eat it? I'm not sure she's broody yet. I have the egg sitting in the house at room temp for now.
Congrats! :)
Well for those that want a update Panellapee (Paint) is doing great with her braces on, can walk around and eat great I'm very pleased.


Faith- faith was the egg that took so long I was very worried ( not to confuse with Hope that didn't make it) everyone left had made it out of the egg except fait and she had pipped before them. She had zipped about 3/4 inch at 11:00pm and I went to bed I woke at Three in the morning went to check on her and noticed she had not made any progress at all. This is going on forty some hours I was very concerned and reached in and picked her up and no movement no noise poked a bit at her and nothing, I thought she was dead so broke the egg on off her and she moved and gave a weak peep, I found that she was breach in the egg and was getting shrink wrapped. I do believe she would not have made it till the morning if I wouldn't have got her out. Anyway here she is her fluff still looks icky because of the shrink wrap

Next to Mumsy

She's starting to eat on her own this morning thanks to Mumsy showing her. She's so funny she usually stands really tall reminds me of a penguin. With her head held high.

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