Silkie thread!

OH!  I am so excited you got up this morning to check on her!  Congrats on saving her life.  Glad Mumsy now has a buddy.

Thank you, it was yesterday morning so she is going on day two. Still not out of the woods. Mumsy now has three friends. I hope they don't start picking on her foot. She is starting to get some poo stuck to her butt I tried to wash it off but no luck getting it all.
I don't see anything red on Faiths head? There is a reddish stain on the old tee shirt I put in there. I'm going to set up a rubber maid tub for them today. All the peeps outside with the hens are doing great! I still can't believe I have 12 chicks! Wow.
It is not uncommon for a self-blue to have grey streaks though they are not desirable. If streaks have a similar mirror image on both sides of the bird it is likely a self-blue. Here is a self-blue cockerel for comparison.

How about a bandaid?

He comes from two splash parents, so he's a splash. I'd love to get my hands on a self-blue. My blues are all Andalusian and very, very dark grey. My avatar is one of these, even though the camera makes her look black more than blue.
Hooray for Panalupe, Mumsy and Faith! Boy, Faith sure does look teeny next to her fluffed out sibling Mumsy. Hopefully she will catch up in size.

Congrats on the dozen chicks!

I have found poopy butt is exacerbated by having the brooder too hot and not having a cooler area for the chicks to go into. The heat dries up the poops before they can fall off.. and then it starts a little wall that backs up and it gets worse. I had only one of those then I moved the lamp to the edge and left the rest of the brooder at room temperature (more like mommy does - only directly under mommy is warm). I was never sure why they wanted the whole brooder box to be so hot - that's not the way things work in nature. The Ecoglow work on that principle too - and chicks are stronger and healthier because they need to push up to be warm - strengthening their legs too.
Hooray for Panalupe, Mumsy and Faith!  Boy, Faith sure does look teeny next to her fluffed out sibling Mumsy.  Hopefully she will catch up in size. 

Congrats on the dozen chicks!

I have found poopy butt is exacerbated by having the brooder too hot and not having a cooler area for the chicks to go into.  The heat dries up the poops before they can fall off.. and then it starts a little wall that backs up and it gets worse.  I had only one of those then I moved the lamp to the edge and left the rest of the brooder at room temperature (more like mommy does - only directly under mommy is warm).  I was never sure why they wanted the whole brooder box to be so hot - that's not the way things work in nature.  The Ecoglow work on that principle too - and chicks are stronger and healthier because they need to push up to be warm - strengthening their legs too. 

Thanks for the tip on the poopy butt, I'm getting ready to move them to a good size rubber maid container so they will have a warm side and a cooler side. It says it should be 95 in the middle but I totally agree I think it should be on one side so they can move out of the heat. My temp is only reaching just above 90. I guess I better wait a few more days to move the chicks.
Faith is drinking on her own now! Yay
Well for those that want a update Panellapee (Paint) is doing great with her braces on, can walk around and eat great I'm very pleased.


Faith- faith was the egg that took so long I was very worried ( not to confuse with Hope that didn't make it) everyone left had made it out of the egg except fait and she had pipped before them. She had zipped about 3/4 inch at 11:00pm and I went to bed I woke at Three in the morning went to check on her and noticed she had not made any progress at all. This is going on forty some hours I was very concerned and reached in and picked her up and no movement no noise poked a bit at her and nothing, I thought she was dead so broke the egg on off her and she moved and gave a weak peep, I found that she was breach in the egg and was getting shrink wrapped. I do believe she would not have made it till the morning if I wouldn't have got her out. Anyway here she is her fluff still looks icky because of the shrink wrap

Next to Mumsy

She's starting to eat on her own this morning thanks to Mumsy showing her. She's so funny she usually stands really tall reminds me of a penguin. With her head held high.

AWW, such great news! I had to do a full assist for one of my eggs over the weekend and she is doing great too. :)
It is not uncommon for a self-blue to have grey streaks though they are not desirable. If streaks have a similar mirror image on both sides of the bird it is likely a self-blue. Here is a self-blue cockerel for comparison.

How about a bandaid?

Here's my washed out splash, White Flame (the kids name the chickens). His face also has a reddish tint. It was dark when he was younger, but started becoming lighter when his wattles started growing.

That's Mozzarella and Thunderhead with him. I put him in their outdoor pen and they were enough of a distraction to keep him still for a few minutes. That short little fence keeps those two in because Thunderhead is still not healed 100% and Ella's too timid to leave even though she could hop right over that.

For comparison, here's Pinto, White Flame's half-sister:

The other chicken is Professor Fluffles, my friendliest silkie. Next year I'll have a real fenced-in yard instead of temporary snow fencing. Chicken math happened.

Quote: Um.. Statement above in red: it does that. I could use about 4 more pens

Did the Professor ever give you an egg? Or crow? I remember h/she did really well with the littles you raised.

I really like the markings on Pinto - that is neat.

I wonder if it is possible White Flame is Wheaten (E^Wh) based and has the pigment leakage in the skin because of it? I believe I remember reading about the E^Wh birds having lighter comb, wattles and skin from Buff breeding information, I think it would be the same even if it is hiding under that Bl/Bl. They are also known for having less smut and black in the Buffs - maybe it washed out the Splash coloration? I did manage to get the chicken calculator to show a totally White Splashed Wheaten bird and a Blue Wheaten female with a good dose of melinisers, so that may be what you have. Throwing E^Wh into the BBS mix made for some interesting children - some looked "normal" and some.. well.. it could explain some Gray or Silver Partridges showing up from those pens and some interesting Black boys with white wings, neck and saddles as the Wheaten characteristics came to fore.- - All this information was gleaned from the Show Silkie thread.. amazing amount of information over there if you take the time to read it all.. AND cut an paste when you find good tidbits!
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