Silkie thread!

I use rabbit water bottles too! i have the big 64oz ones that are awesome except they leak. I also got some that are top fill style but in the description they didn't indicate they were another style besides the tube with the ball one. Now I've got like 8 of them for my breeding pens and brooders and i don't think i can even use them because they aren't a ball but rather a spring loaded deal.

This kind below, anyone used these?
Love that roo! Beautiful

Gordonhillfarm: Thank you they do seem very happy. These are my babies they are much more then pets we love them! Everyone use to free range but last summer I lost too many to something we never did find out what it was we set traps and everything. They are getting use to penned life and seem to be doing fine.
Colie <3 :

I definitely agree with that compliment/observation!!

Colie <3 :

Last time I checked Bobbi Porto had an auction up on for assorted color hatching eggs. She has great quality birds IMO. I see Kelar having egg auctions lately here on BYC as well definitely recommend her birds! If three cedars is still selling I think her blue/splashes are top notch
Lavenders and procelains are harder to find for eggs in my experience but every once in awhile I'll see a split auction here on BYC or even more rarely I'll see lav auctions here on BYC and on

Hope that gets you started in the right direction!

Three Cedars has an auction up right now on BYC. 'Chooks just had a Lavender Silkie auction end I think, but I bet you could PM her and work something out.

~ Aspen​
I'm in love now!
I think you should definitely show him he looks great from the pictures. Give him time to realize you're the boss and the top of the pecking order and I think he'll chill out with getting after you leg for touching one of his girls. I was told by other that squirting their face with a water bottle or dunking their head when they peck/bite helps a lot. Just don't show angry or being upset over it. He's a good boy standing up for his women though, gotta admire that!

What a handsome roo! I love his name too
I think it's the cutest thing ever when the rooster becomes such the attentive parent. My sweet Richie was the same way, he loved cuddling and protecting the babies/juvies.
he's a pretty good boy, he only gets irate when whoever I'm holding is flapping and screeching. I lightly popped his in the chest and he hasn't pecked me since. I appreciate how protective he is, especially considering the fact that they are so much younger than he is.

The breeder I got Thor and Loki from showed me the various things looked for at the shows, and which traits each bird had that were especially good, or not so great. She showed them at some point, I believe. Or one of them. I can't remember. Her birds were lovely. The other, Loki, is a gorgeous blue, he's pretty tame as well but doesn't have the teddy bear personality that Thor does.

Some more pics of my little fluffballs:

Thor, Mighty Bird of Thunder:




Thor and his brother, Loki the day I got them, now they each have their own mini-flock:



And some of my not-as-nice little sweeties:




Colie <3 :

I use rabbit water bottles too! i have the big 64oz ones that are awesome except they leak. I also got some that are top fill style but in the description they didn't indicate they were another style besides the tube with the ball one. Now I've got like 8 of them for my breeding pens and brooders and i don't think i can even use them because they aren't a ball but rather a spring loaded deal.

This kind below, anyone used these?

This gives me hope that I can train the Silkies to take water from something other than a waterer. I puchased a few pop-bottle caps at a show and when judging was over, tried to get my girl to drink out of them. She didn't get the concept even when I dipped her beak in. Although I'm sure she was overwhelmed...

I'll work with them on this. I told my dad that screened windows would come in handy. I can attatch stuff to them!
Thanks both. This is reassuring...​
Your four year old makes Thor look large! He's gorgeous. You mention his brother in another post and that you free range them. Do you let the two flocks wander at the same time?

My flock loves to wander through the horse pasture, too!

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