Silkie thread!

I'm just guessing here but maybe that one is just super timid? I've noticed some of my younger chicks doing similar behavior when I'm around because they are scared of the giant beast aka me lol Just the age I guess. I also notice the ones that turn out to be girls are usually the ones ducking and hiding. Idk probably just a coincidence really.

I have noticed with this batch of chicks that some consistently run and hide when I put my hand in and some keep their eyes on my hand and run backwards and even bravely peck at me. I'm betting they will be cockerels! What do you think?

Usually the ones that come after me and peck do turn out to be cockerels but not always. I think that's probably the best bet a guessing sex when they are young. Coupled with guessing based on looks and I *usually* do a good job at being correct but some of my nicest birds give me the hardest darn time figuring out if they are a cockerel or a pullet! LOL
Colie <3 :

I have noticed with this batch of chicks that some consistently run and hide when I put my hand in and some keep their eyes on my hand and run backwards and even bravely peck at me. I'm betting they will be cockerels! What do you think?

Usually the ones that come after me and peck do turn out to be cockerels but not always. I think that's probably the best bet a guessing sex when they are young. Coupled with guessing based on looks and I *usually* do a good job at being correct but some of my nicest birds give me the hardest darn time figuring out if they are a cockerel or a pullet! LOL​

If that's the case, I hope I have a really hard time!
So, when I got home today my silkie hen was still in her coop. She didn't come out all day. Her head was lying on the nest divider, and she's all puffed up. I force fed her a few drops of water. Poop is still watery with some green. She has been in the same spot for two days. I looked at the poop chart, and ours is like none of those. Went to tractor supply for Sulmet, but they say it is no longer available. What to do?!?!
Make sure you give her electrolytes. I used an eye dropper and put some chick saver by her beak and she swallowed. They can be dehydrated so quickly. Even if she is drinking, give her the electrolytes. Saved my hen!
Sounds like great feed. I started taking 3 tbs. of fresh ground flaxseed daily about 6 months ago. It transformed my nails and hair and skin. It has been beneifical for several other things also. I feed it to all my animals!
Sounds like great feed. I started taking 3 tbs. of fresh ground flaxseed daily about 6 months ago. It transformed my nails and hair and skin. It has been beneifical for several other things also. I feed it to all my animals!

Thank You very much.I just hope my chickens love it cause it's not as cheap as the other brands.
Ok... My buff silkies are looking horrible. They are happy it seems, eating, running, no funny poop... But man they are not cute at all! Well they are, but they are losing all that cute fluff... I know, it'll all regrow... but heck... LOL.

Now another question... My silkies are boney, they are 5 months old. 3 of them are nice and filled out, but 2 are only about a pound and boney. I was thinking switching to a game bird feed, but can't find any around here, they don't carry it at our TSC. I don't think its a worm problem... Might be... don't know how to tell... I am going to try and get a picture of their faces tomorrow and post them, but what could it be? Also, all my chick poo looks ok...

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