Silkie thread!

Thanks! Its good to be back! I'm so excited for Monday (hatch day) and getting a good flock of beautiful birds together again ^_^

Hi Steph, nice to meet you. I too had a dog attack my young silkie flock a year ago now. Heart breaking and such an awful waste. We all deal with things in our own way and I'm glad you've found your way back, there's nothing more effective than CHICKEN THERAPY !
Can't wait to see your chick pics. :)
I can't wait to show them off :D
Keeping my fingers crossed for a good hatch come Monday. I can't help but obsessively sit and watch for shaking eggs or listen for a peep LOL. I forgot what chicken addiction... I mean therapy was like XD
how do you take pictures of your chicks, do you use a backdrop or what??
Sorry for the slow reply. Yes, I used paper from Savage Seamless which is photography paper but you could easily use any sort of paper as you don't need a large amount for chicks! I had to Photoshop out a bit of poop though lol.

Also - thanks for the coop pics above!!!

And the poster above with the white silkie - no clue on sex, but it looks stunning!
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This white fluff ball hatched about 6 weeks ago, silkies are very hard to sex at this age. Anyone know what sex it is yet?

I'd say female, but I'm not the best at sexing
Sorry for the slow reply. Yes, I used paper from Savage Seamless which is photography paper but you could easily use any sort of paper as you don't need a large amount for chicks! I had to Photoshop out a bit of poop though lol.
ok thanks, I want to photography my chicks, when I get them, and I've seen a lot of people on BYC that do a really good job!
Well my silkie chicks are growing fast. I have a set (2) that are about 8 weeks old and another set of 2 that are about 4-5 weeks old. They are doing great. I love them to death!! I have noticed that their personalities are very close to that of a small child. They WANT to be cuddled all the time (and like a good chicken mom, I cuddle away!). I just moved my 2 younger chicks to a bigger brooder and boy, did they NOT like the change. They are just a peepin away (I can hear them as they are in my basement).

And to top off my Silkie addiction, I put 3 eggs in the incubator today!


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