Silkie thread!

I had a splash and 2 blues hatch out partridge and then they feathered out proper colored...

Also know others who get actual partridge out of BBS pens, not as uncommon as you'd think.

So, it is possible that the blue silkie below may turn out to be regular blue or even a blue partiridge? She has a bit of brown on the left side of her head.
Hey y'all. I am really struggling with coop set-up here. We have one coop that we built, and one that we are using a kennel for (the house should be here tomorrow and we are going to cover it to make it more secure). You can see them both here:

The coop is 10x6 and the kennel is 10x10. There is sand in the bottom of the coop which I am hating because it has been so wet here and the sand sticks to EVERYTHING!

My one rooster has to be separated from the other boys, so he is in the 10x10 and as soon as I get it secure, he will be in there full time with 3 or 4 girls. Right now my other boys (4 roosters, 3 of which are for sale) and my two girls are in the coop, but free-range as much as possible.

I have a bunch of chicks that are getting big and I need somewhere for them to go. Right now they are in the brooder or dog crates at night and in two of these 4x4 "playpens" during the day:

The chicks range in age from about 4-10 weeks.

Wondering if anyone had any suggestions or advice about any of the above? Can you tell me what your set-up is like? Any photos you can share? Do you use x-pens?

Sorry, I had to read that again to see what you were asking. I was just looking at the set up. I use a dog kennel too. But it's temporary until we put in a nice run this summer. Here is my dog kennel:

Then I have this for right now for my silkies-- and I just built this and showed this a few pages back... (their pen is going to be built this summer)

The layer coop-- that's the yellow one. It does not have a top on it right now. The plan is to remove the dog kennel and build a more secure pen with a top on it and I'm going to partially roof it, too. But I'm not in a big hurry as this is working out pretty good for the time being. However, I am going to make it extra long and divide it so on the other side will be my silkies. I'm still not really sure what your question was! Were you asking about x-pens? I know people use those for their chicks. It looks like you have a fine set up that is working. If that didn't answer it, I guess get really specific with what you were wanting and I'll try again! LOL
I'm still not really sure what your question was! Were you asking about x-pens? I know people use those for their chicks. It looks like you have a fine set up that is working. If that didn't answer it, I guess get really specific with what you were wanting and I'll try again! LOL
Well, that would make two of us, lol!!

It really isn't working, that is the thing. I feel like I need at least one more coop, if not more. I have two roos that have to be separate and I need somewhere for my grow outs. I am acutally considering a shed that I could divide up in to several runs, although that won't solve the outside issue. And I love your under the deck coop. We are renting, or I would SO do that!

What do you have in the run of your coop? I have sand and I just hate it! It sticks to everything!

Also, how big are your runs for how many birds?
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