Silkie thread!

You've got some great looking chicks! Wonderful leg feathering!!
Thank you very much :D must get it from their Daddy
Though their moms have nice feathering on their feet as well :)
Very very nice foot feathering;)
So today i was out trying to take photos of my pastries who are 1week shy of 4 months and i nottice my black (muffin) has a little white leaking from the back of her neck feathers.... Would that be a disqualification in showing? Is leakage a bad thing? Doesnt really show up in pictures....l
ok...I see everyones BEAUTIFUL sillkies...and just NOT cute or pretty IMO... He/She (leaning towards He) looks like a vulture...I SO wanted a pretty silkie and was SO excited to get ONE.. hubby said ONE...and of course it turns out to be a roo..and ugly IMO...sigh..anyone wanna trade???
Aww hang in there... Im sure he/she will fill out hes going thru the strange teen phase
Wow what a chatty thread
! I am enjoying it, but I am afraid if I miss a day, I will never catch up!

Momagain1, I too have a lone silkie (see avatar) due to a poor hatch. He/she is 6 weeks and is a little on the fluffless side as far as a crest goes. My daughter (11) could care less, she thinks it is the most wonderful bird ever and I must agree that Birdie-Num-Nums is a sweetie. I am sure Birdie will get shown in our county fair whether it meets breed standards or not. It is a hoot to watch with the big chicks.
Have a funny story...

Roger, my roo who got hawked and survived, thinks he is the king lately. The only roo he would ever run from was my huge faverolle roo, Mr. Fluffers. Not today. Today I went out to close up the coops and they come tumbling out of the trees with Roger on top of Mr. Fluffers. He had a mouth full of Fluffy-pusses hackles and was trying to spur him at the same time. Now, mr.fluffers is about 8 pounds and Roger is about 3. Roger was doing the butt whooping. I had to get under the coop to get Roger off of Mr. Fluffers. That's not all! My silkie hen was in the big coop starting fights among the hens in there! Roger and Leila have their own coop, along with their 8 chicks. So, it was mutiny in the chicken yard, and it was my two silkies instigating it. Oh, and Leila only weighs a bit over a pound... She was messing with my GLWs. Wonder if it was something in the
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Have a funny story...
Roger, my roo who got hawked and survived, thinks he is the king lately. The only roo he would ever run from was my huge faverolle roo, Mr. Fluffers. Not today. Today I went out to close up the coops and they come tumbling out of the trees with Roger on top of Mr. Fluffers. He had a mouth full of Fluffy-pusses hackles and was trying to spur him at the same time. Now, mr.fluffers is about 8 pounds and Roger is about 3. Roger was doing the butt whooping. I had to get under the coop to get Roger off of Mr. Fluffers. That's not all! My silkie hen was in the big coop starting fights among the hens in there! Roger and Leila have their own coop, along with their 8 chicks. So, it was mutiny in the chicken yard, and it was my two silkies instigating it. Oh, and Leila only weighs a bit over a pound... She was messing with my GLWs. Wonder if it was something in the

I know what you mean! Was it hot where you are? I had the same thing here the other day! Everyone was fighting with each other and it happened to be the hottest day here so far at the time. I blamed it on the heat, that it made everyone crazy! LOL Even my 2 Fav boys were fighting and they never fight each other ever!
I also have a silkie boy, Henry, who took on a hawk to protect some younger chicks. He is my biggest silkie boy. He ended up with a slice on his back from it but healed up well. He is a pet quality silkie but has a home here forever because of that! Henry don't pick fights but no other boy will mess with him either, well except his dad once in a blue moon!

Here is Henry. He is a very sweet boy, great dad to the chicks and really watches over them as you can see in the picture.

Have a funny story...

Roger, my roo who got hawked and survived, thinks he is the king lately. The only roo he would ever run from was my huge faverolle roo, Mr. Fluffers. Not today. Today I went out to close up the coops and they come tumbling out of the trees with Roger on top of Mr. Fluffers. He had a mouth full of Fluffy-pusses hackles and was trying to spur him at the same time. Now, mr.fluffers is about 8 pounds and Roger is about 3. Roger was doing the butt whooping. I had to get under the coop to get Roger off of Mr. Fluffers. That's not all! My silkie hen was in the big coop starting fights among the hens in there! Roger and Leila have their own coop, along with their 8 chicks. So, it was mutiny in the chicken yard, and it was my two silkies instigating it. Oh, and Leila only weighs a bit over a pound... She was messing with my GLWs. Wonder if it was something in the
Nope; typical silkie behavior. They all seem to expect that they are top of the pecking order, and by golly, any #$%^&* bird that does not agre will get itself a big whoppin'. The littler the bird, the higher they want to be in the order.
Nope; typical silkie behavior. They all seem to expect that they are top of the pecking order, and by golly, any #$%^&* bird that does not agre will get itself a big whoppin'. The littler the bird, the higher they want to be in the order. are right Sonoran. Some of my smallest silkies are the most bossy ones in the coop!
 Here you go! I'm afraid they are both boys! One has lost all of the buff color but I'm sure it will return. :)

This one now looks splash!
Omgoodness! They sure are cute- I have hope mine wont be ugly forever :p some of mine have more buff then others. One of them has some cuckoo like feathers on its wings, not sure what's up with that...

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