Silkie with leg injury

Do cut your own hair?

  • I did once and it was a disaster.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No, never did and never wanted to cut my own hair.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Yes, I do it all the time.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Sometimes if it’s a simple trim.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No, but I cut family and friend’s hair.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but I did cut my dolls hair when I was a child.

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


6 Years
Sep 4, 2017
Eastern Tennessee
Happy Turkey Day to everyone! I hope you and yours are having a nice one.

Yesterday one of my free range 8 week old silkies was observed having problems putting weight on one leg and using the wing on that side as a sort of crutch. Gathered him/her up and brought them into protective custody right away. There doesn’t seem to be any broken skin, or things like thorns etc sticking in the foot. One toenail is white but it’s always been like that. When chicken is resting, the leg is stretched out to the side and back so I’m assuming that’s the most comfortable position given whatever is going on. When palpitating the leg, it seems by the reactions that the most tender area is the “knee” and the adjacent areas above and below it. Which makes me suspect a sprain but I’m not sure how to rule out a break. The foot is not swollen, hot, nor cold. As far as the grip goes on that foot, I would say it’s weak. Other than the leg problem, they seem perfectly fine. All of the other flock members are fine. Any thoughts or suggestions as to what this could be, what I can do to help or how to further diagnose? Thanks for reading!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! and what does this have to do with cutting hair?
Haha, well nothing except that I recently cut my hair into a completely different style.
Do you have pictures?
Yes. Yes I do. Here is before:

Here is after:

Will be back after I watch the leg vid and get some pics of the chicks leg!
Any thoughts or suggestions as to what this could be, what I can do to help or how to further diagnose?
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry to hear about your Silkie... were you able to feel any swelling or heat that would indicate an injury you can't otherwise detect? (reading back I see you mention temp already) Does the knee reaction seem to be a retreat from pain or just a retreat from being generally uncomfortable with what you are doing? Are the knees the same size? Can you post a video using your tube or vimeo? Are you seeing any increase or decrease in mobility?

Unfortunately... This is ONE symptom of Marek's... chick is at the right age. But it COULD also be nutrient deficiency... And many other things CAN look very similar. :hmm

All questions are just looking for clues... Where did this chick come from and how long have you had it? Was it broody raised or how long has it had out door access? Was it vaccinate against Marek's? How many birds in how much space total? What is fed on a regular basis including treats and supplements? Seen any bullying? Any changes to the pupils? How do droppings look? Appetite?

Hoping it's just a minor injury that heals quickly! :fl

Thanks! It was high time for something new and I’m just loving the new look!

Does the knee reaction seem to be a retreat from pain or just a retreat from being generally uncomfortable with what you are doing? Are the knees the same size? Can you post a video using your tube or vimeo? Are you seeing any increase or decrease in mobility?

All questions are just looking for clues... Where did this chick come from and how long have you had it? Was it broody raised or how long has it had out door access? Was it vaccinate against Marek's? How many birds in how much space total? What is fed on a regular basis including treats and supplements? Seen any bullying? Any changes to the pupils? How do droppings look? Appetite?

Hoping it's just a minor injury that heals quickly! :fl

When I touch in a exploratory manner s/he reacts in a manner like quit touching me there. Seems to be a retreat from being uncomfortable with what I’m doing. A little less bothered by it today than yesterday but it’s hard to say why because free range chick had never been handled by humans before. Less bothered by being handled today than yesterday because of it is not a completely new thing? Due to heavily feathered legs it’s difficult to see what might be going on. Will trim the feathers at some point if needed.

What else is going on right now is our fridge is dying, and had to go get a replacement turkey yesterday. This plus injured chick all timed perfectly to happen for Thanksgiving. Thankful to have BYC as a helping resource with the little one! Not sure when I will able to get a vid up today as TGiving cooking needs to get started soon. The chick is resting comfortably in with a motherly pullet right now. Does not seem to be in pain while resting thank goodness. Moving on to the symptoms...

The knees and all the other leg joints feel about the same size. Mobility seems about the same. I will try to get a vid of it. I would describe it as a scrambling using wing on that side for balance and mobility with the leg straight back if you can picture that...

Got some day olds from Cackle Hatchey last February and this chick is a outdoor, free range, broody raised offspring of the February day olds. S/he is one of six offspring. Have 2 ducks from two different local sources. The ducks and the silkies are all we have. They are free range so have acres and acres. Roomy shelter is provided for them to use at night. The ducks spend the night on the pond. Various healthy foods are given. Dumore crumbles and pellets, cooked eggs, freeze dried insects like mealworms, corn, hulled sunflower seeds. Plus what they gather on thier own. Clean water of course.

No bullying has been observed other than the usual jockeying for postion at night...appetite has been good. S/he has been eating and drinking when I make it easy for him/her. Pupils look normal. Dropping look normal. Oh yes, recently I got some nutritional yeast and have been offering that as part of the assortment.

Okay! Here are a few pictures:

Household is breathing down my neck about the turkey so I must go now. Will check in later on friends!
Will check in later on friends!
Hope your turkey came out good. :drool

Your chick is a beauty! :love

I know how things like to all happen at the same time to try and mess with us. :barnie Our power was out for quite some time yesterday delaying supper a few hours since everything (even toilet flushing) requires power here. Glad it was just my small immediate family and one friend who were waiting it out... but it worked a little nice since my son and his gf were set to eat just 1 hour before I was supposed top serve. This way it was several hours and they were ready to eat again. :p The hard rain and wind even let up for just a short time and my piggy was happy to make an outing to pasture.

Dumore crumbles and pellets,
Would that be a starter, layer, all flock or which type?

Here is the most accurate info I have seen put together in easy to understand terms with regards to Marek's...

Hopefully that isn't it, I don't mean to scare you or cause any panic. The leg facing backward is a VERY commonly seen with MDV. But I always try not to jump to conclusions, as I stated earlier many other things can look similar. To be honest, I doubt injury... but hopeful that's what it is. (much easier to recover from) :hmm

Some people make a sling to get the bird off it's leg and practice stretching and baring weight on it....

While eggs, meal worms and other insects are good source of protein, amino acids, and other vitamins and minerals... they are VERY high in fat, so should be fed in limited quantities. Eggs for example are 34% protein but 64% fat by energy. Corn is very low in protein at only 7%, but it has even less vitamins, mineral, and important amino acids. When our feeds are made of mostly corn they have that stuff added in. Seeds are very high in fat as well. They also may not need to be hulled. Many people feed black oil sunflower seed... I don't know the difference in nutrition between standard grey striped seeds and "BOSS" but that might be worth looking in to for ya.

I might suggest a supplement (on occasion) like rooster booster (brand name) Poultry Cell (product). I have bred and raised Silkies for several years... I always feed 20% protein flock raiser or sometimes cheat and feed even higher protein like game bird or turkey starter like during times of molt. I DON'T diminish nutrient with treats. But despite that my recent hatch result DO indicate a possible riboflavin deficiency. Some birds just may not process things as well and need more than the standard nutrition that works for most. Here is some information about what the different type of things can cause...

Just in case you happen to feed corn "to keep them warm" as some have been misled to believe... that is a myth... the body processes CALORIES to stay warm. Calories (energy) from nutritious sources are ALWAYS better to feed than the candy bar or chips of the chicken world. Protein and carbs have the same amount of energy... but protein is a better source of nutrients IMO. Of course carbs are a necessary source of things like fiber, energy, and such... so I don't mean to suggest anything radical like atkins diet. ;)

So, even if it is a vitamin deficiency... it can take several weeks for full recovery to take place after supplements have started. It seems to be a slow process, that may include some physical therapy. Some may not see recovery at which point you have to decide is this the life you want for your bird and yourself. (usually extra time spent cleaning them and such). Should the chick not make it... only way to verify if Marek's is by getting a necropsy done. Cheap or free in many states to back yarder's.. I have links if you need them.

In fact even with vitamin support, if recovery does happen... it still *could* have been Marek's. Many people have Marek's birds living in their flocks that go though times of weakness or lameness and recover. I personally cull for it... though I haven't yet had confirmation since the state vet said that's what they "thought" it was in one case that presented here, I didn't send the one bird in for testing. Now I wish I had in case that wasn't it... or was. I assumed they were right since I didn't see ANY way it could have been a deficiency since I don't give treats... but my hatching research leaves me to wonder now. :confused:

I know there are many other people who would have input on this subject.. but they may be traveling, out of power, or shopping. Hopefully you will get some more input... more experience and perspectives is always better for brain storming. Hang in there! :fl

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