Silkied Ameraucanas? NOT Crosses


10 Years
Jan 8, 2014
Is anyone still doing the Silkied Ameraucana project? I'd love to get in on it but all the posts I can find on it are years old.

To clarify, this is pure Ameraucanas with the silkied gene (which cropped up several different times in various lines over the years), NOT Ameraucanas that have been crossed with Silkie chickens.
Is anyone still doing the Silkied Ameraucana project? I'd love to get in on it but all the posts I can find on it are years old.

To clarify, this is pure Ameraucanas with the silkied gene (which cropped up several different times in various lines over the years), NOT Ameraucanas that have been crossed with Silkie chickens.
Those sound cool!
I really hope you're able to find them! I love silkied Ameraucanas and hope to work with them as well a few years down the line. Best of luck locating some stock!
wait, silikie ameracaunas?
like silkies with the little ruff/beard?
like laying hens that have the beard? but are silkies?
because I might just have those...
wait, silikie ameracaunas?
like silkies with the little ruff/beard?
like laying hens that have the beard? but are silkies?
because I might just have those...
Most silkies already have the beard. I am meaning actual Ameraucanas (proper body type, blue eggs, etc) but with silkied feathers.
We had some of the real thing 6-7 years ago, but most were not hardy. Our favorite splash hen though, she was awesome... laying large blue eggs every day without fail. At 2 years old she rather suddenly passed away for no discernible reason.

In this thread we've been waiting for the OP to come back later this year as she said she would be setting up her breeding pen again...

@dheltzel did you say somewhere you were working with silkied Ams?
dheltzel used to have them (from top quality show line), but he didn't keep them. Some of his chickens still have the silkied feather gene, so he may bring them back in a couple years. OneMountainAcres had the same line of chickens too, she is also working on bringing them back. You can contact them for eggs in the future. I used to have a silkied black ameraucana from OneMountainAcres pullet, but I lost her to Marek. She was a super sweet lap chicken.

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