Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

That was my point exactly. What's clear cut to you and me and her can be three different things. You might approve of plucking off color feathers, I dont. Everyone has to decide for themselves according to their own personal ethics, because unfortunately there isn't an 'ethics judge' at a show.

I asked a group of breeders once (one was a judge) the ethics of plucking off-colored feathers. Tongue-in-cheek, they told me, "if I do it, it's grooming. If you do it, it's faking."
That was my point exactly. What's clear cut to you and me and her can be three different things. You might approve of plucking off color feathers, I dont. Everyone has to decide for themselves according to their own personal ethics, because unfortunately there isn't an 'ethics judge' at a show.

I asked a group of breeders once (one was a judge) the ethics of plucking off-colored feathers. Tongue-in-cheek, they told me, "if I do it, it's grooming. If you do it, it's faking."


that's pretty funny. Are there actually any rules against things such as plucking??
Not if you're not caught! LOL But that goes back to that whole faking/grooming thing.

The direct answer to your question is, no there isn't anything published. The only published rules state what the bird should look like, not how you get it to look that way. (which goes back to that whole ethical grooming/faking debate)
Not if you're not caught! LOL But that goes back to that whole faking/grooming thing.

The direct answer to your question is, no there isn't anything published. The only published rules state what the bird should look like, not how you get it to look that way. (which goes back to that whole ethical grooming/faking debate)

If you get caught, are you kicked out of the show? I mean they wouldn't know, I guess, if you don't tell anyone..

You are against it though, right Chris??
Yes. I'm not a fan of altercation in any manner. Enhancing is one thing, altering is another.

ETA: I guess I'll edit this.... I'm not a fan of MAJOR/BLATANT altercation.
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I think there is a big difference in plucking a feather or even two versus plucking a whole bunch. And then how about plucking when they have plenty of time to grow back, hopefully correctly?

Now if you were to take dye or paint and meticulously paint a lace around the rim of each feather so that your bird becomes properly laced, well, that would DEFINITELY be faking
Tru-dat! But like I said earlier, thats something that we all have to decide for ourselves before we get to the show.

A single feather, I may pluck. More than two, its going to get shown as is and if it gets DQ'd, well thats how the cookie crumbles.

But that of course is how I roll..... You're mileage may vary.

I think that we are all pretty much on the same page though.
All this about colors . but does anyone have
a red silkie. Or know where they can be bought,
also at what age do silkies begin to lay.same as regular breeds.
"Red" Silkies have only been perfected in Europe I believe. There are VERY few in the US that have been imported, but they dont look anything like our silkies. Hardly any top knot, very little foot feathering, and almost non-existent tails. I saw them at an SCNA show last April, and wasn't very impressed by any stretch of the imagination.

Silkies start laying anywhere from 5 to 8 months of age.

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