Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

There are decent buffs that are so dark golden that they almost look red. The ones that the hatcheries are selling as 'reds' are pretty sad looking.

Here is a rooster I had last year:
"Red" Silkies have only been perfected in Europe I believe. There are VERY few in the US that have been imported, but they dont look anything like our silkies. Hardly any top knot, very little foot feathering, and almost non-existent tails. I saw them at an SCNA show last April, and wasn't very impressed by any stretch of the imagination.

Silkies start laying anywhere from 5 to 8 months of age.

I accidentally hatched one 6 mos ago. I was quite surprised. He's good looking too. It's like he's a partridge that went just really really flaming red. I gave him to a friend of mine who no longer wants him I believe, and is looking to rehome.
Thx for the thread BTW!
As for the faking issue, I had Eric Kutch pull me aside after the show last fall and teach me the fine art of shaping a crest. He is a well respected judge and breeder of silkies too. Up til now, I had always left the crests alone. The only reason I touch them is to pull a feather or 2 if its obstructing vision. He said it takes up to an hour for each bird just for the crest.
See on this bird.... He did place it BB and Res. CH FL. He said if I would have gotten rid of that faint crease in the flow of the crest he would have probably placed it higher. He showed me how to very carefully pull just the tips of the feathers off to round it out in places.



Now this was after judging was done and how the bird looked after....
I also checked the SOP. It states 'excessive plucking'. I takes that to mean you can pluck just a couple off colored feathers too. On our silver gened whites, you occasionally get a few dark feathers. They aren't even noticable til you have them in for a bath.

There's this other trick you use for any backcombing hard feathers if present. They make a special comb for shortening and thinning horses manes. It has teeth like a comb, but a razor at the base. Not sure if that would be considered faking too.

Another grooming issue... Say your bird breaks a foot feather on the way to a show. You know its too late to fix and let it regrow. I read that you will get docked somewhat for a missing feather, but you will get docked even more if the judge finds a broken feather and you didn't do anything about it.
Amy, see this is why you are a silkie breeder and I just pet them. I can't see any difference in the pictures

The 4 I got from you are doing great. They are in the warmest room in the barn.

How is the Winter hatch going??
Lol Chris/CARS.... Just think of that crest like a man with hathead. There should be a round poof. Just like if you stick a hat on a guy, there is an indentation like a hat leaves on a guys hair. Where the top of the beak and foreskull meet that vaulted skull, you will sometimes see a crease or dent in the flow of the feathers. You pluck just the tips of the feathers to even it out so it isn't noticeable.
Lol oh yeah...commit me to the insane asylum too. I already have over 70 chicks up to 3 weeks old in my basement. Incubator won't slow down for a while. With the below 0 temps, I have a feeling these babies will be in the house for a few months.

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