Silkies going to auction tonight!!! PICS (PA/MD/WV)

The 2 buff silkie pullets are sold!
I bought the 2 buff Pullets and I'm so in love with them i want more silkies!! LOL
BBQ and we call the other one ButterCup....

Does anybody have a Silkie Rooster for sale?

I missed the boat on these...

Boo hoo..

Let me know, i'm heading to Winchester today to do some chicken shopping..
Here's my numbers:

Cell: 304-671-1729

just to let you know.. contact the dept of ag in harrisburg. Find out when they are having the Poultry Technicians class. It a class from 10am to 3pm and they teach you everything on how to draw blood and do swabs on all poultry, gamebirds and waterfowl. When you are done you pay $10 and you will receive a license and certificates and you will be license to draw blood and do swabs on any poultry, waterfowl and gamebirds in the state of pa.. You will receive most of your supplies and even leg bands free from the state.
All for the $10. It was an easy and fun class.. I took it at PennState College. Now the reason I say this.. is 99.9 % of the people that take this course DO THEIR OWN BIRDS. And its legal. That way you do not have to depend on anyone. after you do your first test or so you contact them and they will send someone out to check everything for NPIP certification. The testing is free.. when you send your blood work. When you show u do your own samples send to lab and you are off to your show with the required paperwork.

Hope this helps. Need any other info let me know. Just became licensed about 3 weeks ago myself. Cj
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