Silky with Swollen Foot

So sorry about your poor silkie’s feet, and that she faces the possibility of losing part or all of them of them. Here is some reading about chickens who have lost feet to frostbite:

Thanks for the readings about chickens who have lost their feet. I don’t know if I am worrying over nothing but should I be concerned about the fact that the top of her toes are swollen? I just noticed this today so it is fairly new.
I want to thank everyone who has been helping me learn how to take care of my silky. Also wondering how long it might take before I know how much of her feet she is going to loose. These are pics of her feet that I took tonight:


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Where you see the swollen pink parts is where the healthy tissue is. She will lose anything that is black and shriveled. Is that her whole foot on one leg that is black? It can take a month or more for toes or a foot to come off. I am so sorry that she has had so much pain and trouble. Is she still eating and drinking okay?
One of her feet are completely black other than two toes. That foot seems to hurt her the most. She is eating and drinking just fine as long as her food and water are right in front of her. Should I continue to soak her feet in Epsom Salts? And continue to use Vetericyn? Thanks for all your help.
I am not sure that the soaks are doing any good at this point. I would watch for any infection, and continue them and the vetericyn if there is a bad odor. But if it isn’t too hard, I might continue them a little longer. If it hurts, then don’t. It has been a month now since she suffered the frostbite, so it probably won’t be too long before she loses her toes and possibly, her other foot. Some use betadine alone for this type of severe frostbite. If she does lose the foot, you might want to check into ways of padding the stump. They can tolerate losing toes, but when the foot is gone, the stump will need some apdding at first. I hope that others will post about their experiences with that. When that happens, I would start another thread about how people have dealt with a missing foot. Let us know how she is getting along.
She lost her first blackened toe today. I sprayed Vetericyn on her foot. Should I do anything else to it? Once she looses all of the black will her feet stop hurting her?

You could try giving some aspirin in her water 325 mg for every 8 ounces of water every day. Make sure that she is drinking it though. You could also just give her a low dose 81 mg aspirin once or twice a day in food. Vetericyn or betadine is all that I would use. It actually looks pretty good. I know it seems bad, but it will feel better soon. The blackened parts are dead and without feeling.

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