Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

Wow, those are about the funniest "chic pics." I've ever seen! They really look like they're where they're supposed to be just hangin'. I would try this with my chickens, but I think Hubby would freak about the possibility of poo in the pool.
I have a baby pool for my Carin Terrier puppy. He lays down and splashes its sooo cute... Maybe they would like that? I can't free range but I put an attachment on my hose and mist them... The stand there until the water beads on their feathers then the puff up its soooooooo cute! The first time i did it they hid lol
now they like it
I think the same think will apply with the pool if you try it. They probably won't like it at first, but then will come to like it after practice. Even if they don't though, it sounds like your hens have a great way to keep cool!

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