Silver Appleyard versus Snowy?

Anyone have example pics of the Snowy Calls drakes vs. Appleyard Calls drakes ? Anyway positive way to tell differences in the drakes in these two call varieties ?
Does these look like Silver Appleyard drakes ? Anyone ?
These were sold to me as Silver Appleyards, I just want to make sure that is what they are.
I noticed the white under the bills coming in, not sure if that is a determining factor of appleyards though.


One next to a Chocolate

the first 2 pictures... snowy drake....take a look at the back color on the snowy vs the silver appleyard....this is one way to tell



Silver appleyard call drake....notice the "silver" color on the back and they do get the white under the bill

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Really! Wow, that is interesting. I thought for sure that Brice had posted that on one of the duck groups. I will have to go back and try to find it. That doesn't surprise me though at all. There are a lot of breeds and colors in the duck world that people have not disclosed the origins of or been entirely forthcoming about the history of.

Editing to add: Okay, I found the message I was thinking of (was easier than I thought it would be, LOL). What is funny is that it is actually a response Brice made to Jerry (Mr. Turbo?)... I started to post it here and fill in the blanks with some of what I know from breeding the other bantam ducks, but I don't want to totally go off topic for Bacres' thread. Let me know if you want me to post it in a different thread. It might be interesting information.

got it.....sorry to bring up an old post. Butters were made with a snowy and pastel, but the snowy must have carried the appleyard pattern somewhere. Straight from Brice.
Mrs. Turbo :

the first 2 pictures... snowy drake....take a look at the back color on the snowy vs the silver appleyard....this is one way to tell

Silver appleyard call drake....notice the "silver" color on the back and they do get the white under the bill

Thank you so much Mrs. Turbo
That really helps and they do have the silver on their backs..
no problem......
the hens can have different looks to them.
some are darker and some are lighter....some show more brown and some show more of the white.

here is the pullet I had at the Shawnee show....the other one is in the background.


the top 2 are silver appleyard hens, the lighter one below them is a snowy hen


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