Silver Appleyards, care of?

Quack head

Jun 20, 2019
Sparta, TN
Finishing up on my night enclosure, thanks for everyone comments on my last post. Fencing will go around the building will have water in the front left corner and cover the floor with straw or wood chips. Will finish this week and hopefully pick up the ducks next weekend.

I picked out a pair of six month old Appleyard at a local farm. He suggested keeping them in my 8 x 8 enclosure (with water and food) for about a week before letting them free range and use of a 1/2 pond. He suggested they will come back to the enclosure on their own at night if I have feed available to them. I have read a few post that suggest they will just stay in the pond. I have fox and bobcats in the area and want them to return to the house.

Any Comments, Help?
Maybe if you only feed them in the evening once they learn where food is will give them incentive to come home. Thats going to be a real nice shelter for them. Look forward to seeing them once you get them home but why only two drakes need at least 3 ducks an up to keep from over mating them.
Maybe if you only feed them in the evening once they learn where food is will give them incentive to come home. Thats going to be a real nice shelter for them. Look forward to seeing them once you get them home but why only two drakes need at least 3 ducks an up to keep from over mating them.

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