Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

We can only have 3 chickens, and no roo's. I am getting nervous about this one.

My SLW is just over 3 weeks we believe. I feel like she carries herself like a female, her feathers are filled our nicely, and she doen't carry herself like I think a roo would, but the top of her head is looking pinker, and I am seeing little wattles. Any thoughts?

I have 2 slw and one is MUCH smaller than the other. They around 4-5 weeks old. I will get pictures posted in a bit. Are runs normal?
Here is the normal sized SLW at 4.5 weeks. Hoping this is a hen.


Here's the runt at 4.5 weeks.


I'm hoping these are both shes. Their color patterns are so different and the one is much smaller...any ideas?
novastar - I'm not sure but I would say pullets at this time. My SLW cockerel had a red comb at 3 weeks.
JanetS thanks for your response. Is the difference in feather colors and patterns normal too?
saraiquimby1, our SLWs look exactly the same, at 3 weeks today.
We have four, three of them look just like yours, one is much smaller, has less feathering, smaller beak and I think a single comb just began developing on her.

I assume the three are roos and the one is a pullet. All of the suspected roos have thicker legs than the fourth and they all have displays of "roo behaviour", as I call it - they sometimes run against each other with chests puffed, and when they connect they clash with their beaks a bit. Then they separate and go their merry way.

The three really do look exactly like yours does, feathers, beaks, combs, everything.

I love all of them, so I really hope they are not roos after all. They love to be held and fall asleep in my hand, so cute.

As a sidenote, if I tried sexing them after reading advice in this thread, I'd get lots of contradictory results. By size, feather colour, how soon the feathers come, thick legs, colour of combs, behaviour. All contradictory signs for each of the little chicks.;]
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Here is the normal sized SLW at 4.5 weeks. Hoping this is a hen.


Here's the runt at 4.5 weeks.


I'm hoping these are both shes. Their color patterns are so different and the one is much smaller...any ideas?

The first one is looking like a roo. As i see allot of white. But I could be wrong

I'm a long time Chicken Owner, but this is my first SLW. I'm fairly confident I have all 3 young (around 6 weeks) pullets. The Buff I'm sure is female, and the Easter Egger who knows until it crows (I have other female EEs with gold metallic feathers)... But it's the SLW I'm not sure about... Any thoughts?

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