Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing


Little guy wouldn't stay still but can anyone tell gender?
I just got 2 SLW. The breeder thinks pullets. I don't know their exact hatch date or if they were even hatched on the same day.
hatched early March.
I have read this whole post and still don't know what I have.
It would be great if people came back and told us what sex their chicks ended up being.

I have iPad so I can't post pictures. Ugh

Fingers crossed for pullets.
There seem to be very knowledgeable SLW owners in this thread and so I was hoping you might weigh in. Is this a hen or roo? This chick is 6 weeks old. Thanks!

sunkissed - I would say a pullet/hen. This is a picture of my SLW chick (at 6 to 7 weeks) that I believe is a cockerel. Big difference to yours.

Thanks for posting your picture. I think mine are girls based on your picture.

Mine are redder than us kissed, but do not have the comb or wattle development.


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