Sinus Congestion... What Do You Do?

The NetiPot really is the best idea, but you don't have to pay to buy a special pot. I just mix salt in warm water in a cup, stick one side of my nose in it, and suck it up. Not easy at first, but after you do it a couple of times, you get used to it, and it gets lots easier. It helps tremendously!!!! You just suck the water up your nose then cough it out your mouth and blow your nose. Gross, but effective.
I've been dealing with what I'm assuming is a sinus infection since Saturday morning. The green gunk, fever, fatigue, congestion...the whole works. I'm feeling SLIGHTLY better today, but not enough to run a marathon. I've been doing NyQuil, allergy meds (generic of Claritin my doctor prescribed), lots of water, juice, hot soup...not to mention tons of sleep.
Saline irrigation gets things out that blowing your nose misses; I use it year 'round to get dust from winter coop cleaning, hay stacking, etc.
I used to use a 10cc control syringe (the kind with finger & thumb loops built in for easy use) but it made it too easy to pressurize the irrigation & ran it out to my ears.
Now I use a plastic neti style pot, with saline (.9%, so 9cc to a liter or 2 tsp to a quart) made with sea salt from the local health food store, with a drop of lavender oil or thieves oil ( ), or grapefruit seed extract.
Too much or too little salt will sting. Normal saline means the same amount of salt/minerals as your body, so it doesn't sting.
Mucinex is amazing. It's just guaifenesin, like in plain robitussin, and helps shed/cut loose the gunk. I don't know why it works better than robitussin, but it seems to.
Chiropractic too! Once a Chiro pressed on my face right above my upper bicuspids, and I must have dumped a cup of stuff by the time I got home. (sorry gross image, but true)
Back when I got sinus infections, I was told the antibiotics could not get in to do their work if there was too much congestion present, so whatever works for you for that; sudafed, etc., may be necessary.
Zyrtec or generic analog is good for allergies, for me.

Best Wishes and good luck!
Another neti pot fan here!

I have terrible sinus problems. My fiance was known for sleeping through mortar attacks in Iraq, and he says living with me is like sleeping with a T-rex. The neti pot helps.

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