Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

-beautiful, chilly day here in North Texas! -gooooooooood coffee in the mug. -time to clean on the coop a bit and turn the chickens out of the run for some roaming about on the lawn.
My driveway in MI
and my garage chickens
Oh, no, this is probably what we're in for (if we get the snow part at all).

We want some, we're just a little south of you, you could just mail it down here.

I will have to hurry and bundle it up and send it. It's going fast. DW says she hopes the schools aren't closed tomorrow. The hoise has been full of grandchildren for 2 days.
I had that kind of flu a few weeks ago. Coffee was all I could hold down.


Great idea, Ron.  Alaskan, just put the dishes and pots on the floor - the mice will clean things up for you.

Oh, that's a great idea!!!

Oh, yeah, but then they still have to be washed to get the mouse foot-y prints off of them (mice don't have fingers or good manners)!!!
Crawled out of bed, went to church, had coffee and food at coffee hour, now I am back home, and thinking of taking a nap. the kids were " kind" and " shared" their " feel like you were hit on the head with an anvil, go to bed for two or three days" illness. The kids said they like to share. ;)

Odd illness.... Mostly just horridly tired. The youngest two are fine, but they are not good at getting all of the dishes washed and the kitchen cleaned up.


I haven't heard about "coffee hour" since I was going to St. Mary's Episcopal!!! :eek: What church do you go to that you have "coffee hour"?
Kids are like that. :th

Sleep well, Hon.

Orthodox Church (Christian, not Jewish ;) )

Thanks for the well wishes.... I feel better, just grumpy.

And here I am in Alaska, with THIS as my front lawn!


I will have to hurry and bundle it up and send it. It's going fast. DW says she hopes the schools aren't closed tomorrow. The hoise has been full of grandchildren for 2 days.
Oh, please do hurry!!! We've got the sleet part of it! (and my yankee husband just educated me on which is which between freezing rain and sleet
; I'm such a Floridian

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