Skin near vent hanging off


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
Bantam Cochin frizzle.
Just started laying. I don't think this was a prolapse, but maybe a rooster injury. Her vent is intact. She can poop. Suggestions? The skin hanging off is super swollen. I'm not sure that if I stitch it I would do it right, I think it belongs over her vent. It's so swollen it blocks the vent when I reposition it. I'm afraid that if I remove the skin the bleeding could be profuse. Suggestions? I have separated her and cleaned her up.
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I would definitely not recommend trying to sew it in place at this point. Sewing should basically be done with a clean wound is fresh, within a couple of hours. Mostly just keep it as clean as you can and keep her isolated where she will rest til it heals. You may in a few days see where the dead tissue needs to be snipped off. This will remove some of the infection and promote healing; it's no different from removing excess scab from a wound. In the meantime, if she were mine, I'd stock up on Neosporin and keep her gooped up. If you snip only dead tissue, you will see little or no bleeding. If you miss and snip a little live tissue, some flour or corn starch will help stop the bleeding. There is also a product sold for animals that does this, as well. I don't know a brand name, Stop Bleed or something like that; it shouldn't be hard to find in your TSC or feed store.

I would guess this is either a feather picking / pecking type injury, or something tht happened when she got caught on something, perhaps a wire protruding from a fence, something like that. Mating shouldn't cause it, in itself, though the roo could have been chasing her, and grabbed her back end to try to catch her. I hope a little observation of your flock will reveal a likely cause. Good luck!
Thanks. I've gooped her up, and taped the dangle ing skin to her. She's picked at it when I let her go, before taping it. Hence the tape. Luckily, there's no infection right now. It's all clean.

I realize mating wasn't the actual problem, I think chasing may have been. She's tiny, even next to my silkie. I'm keeping her isolated.

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