Slow Night Here In Quailville

ah yes, mom lives in "A-lachu-a", and our little chicken "farm" is out that way too. headed down to micanopy in the AM to see my new bud, BigJim, gonna get him fixed up with some Quail pens

I should come back a little flush around the collar

my new Quail friends, "BigJim" and "David", we scrapped this together in under 3 hours, and made it "drive thru" height for BigJim.
I asked if I could post their pictures, if they were in witness protection, etc. they said "go for it".
Now, if you look close, on the table- barely in the picture, is a jar of "sweet tea"- I am still buzzin- hella good!

splurged on the wire for the bottom, got the .5x.5 green vinyl coated galvanized, and 1/4 in for the sides. other than that- pretty much all free/found lumber and tin.
we will put some finishing touches on it and pretty it up with the air compressor, brad nailer and some trim pieces.

yup, it was a good day.

That's cool M_A_T! I would "splurge" for the vinyl" (PVC) coated 1/2" HWC, if they would sell it in lengths dividable by 2 foot. The stupid 5' roll is a 1' waste of wire, or a 4' waste of board, and really screws up the cuts on a 4x8 piece of plywood.
Good scrap pen my friend

I just wonder why they don't sell coated 1/2' HWC in at least 8' lengths? Don't they know that wood comes in standard 8' lengths?
Joe, I like the vinyl coated hardware cloth, its thicker than the cheap gauge hardware cloth they are selling at TSC. You are right about the wierd lengths? with the 5 foot length, we made a 2x5 cage, used the extra 4- foot o' board for the risers and made it ~ 19" high pen, 2x4 plus the foot plus 2x4, all 2x4 laid on sides. set the risers up flush within the 2x4, no little nooks and crannies for them to get stuck in., its only 10sq feet, but feed and water come in from the side so its pretty open for a little grow out for ~15 birds. I really like the .5x1? welded wire for the bottom, just seems a thicker gauge, gotta find it vinyl coated.

I tell ya the cats meow, was David, cut the whole roll of wire on the mitre/chop box with appropriate blade to side the whole thing around. smart thinking that David.
I Pony Up The Money And Use 1/2 Inch Hardware Cloth--- Dont Skimp On Wire The Results Will Be Unsavory In The End. Model A You May Wish To Rethink The 1/2 X 1 Down Here... Too Many Coons And Its Too Open. I Have Had Bad Luck With It Personally
If you are gonna' do any amount of messin' around with welded wire to build pens, you just have to have a set of air cutters. My set is an old school set that I bought about 20 years ago. They cut through anything, even as big as 8 ga. wire (1/8") as fast as you can pull the trigger. Whenever the diagonal cutters get dull, you just screw in a new set. I bought mine here . Now they have a new and improved set. They also have a kickin' supply of vinyl covered wire in any size, but I'm sure that shippin' would be a killer.

Since I'm a commercial fisherman by trade, I used to build my own lobster traps and that's how I came across these. Here's a pic of my set. There is a picture of the newer ones on the website.


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