SLW roo's time has come


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Bobby was our adopted rooster for our 12 gals. He is 23 weeks, and in the past couple days started going after the kids and even my husband. Can't have that, so I went to the coop tonight and put him in a dog kennel. This will be our first chicken processing, I did a baby turkey last week. I have a question: should I give him just water until its time? I plan on doing it in the morning after breakfast. He is a big boy, so hoping that we get a good meal from him. Thanks.
People seem to suggest both ways.. if you give him food, you'll be able to find the crop easier. But it also means that there will be waste in his digestive system, would could potentially contaminate the meat if something goes wrong.
The deed is done. He went without a fight, kinda like he knew it was coming. Lesson learned: what you think is a sharp knife, is probably not sharp enough. Next time I will get the scalpel.
I sharpen my knives before the deed and many times during processing. Always seems like blood and meat make them go dull real quick. Good for you to protect your family!

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