smelly cat is stinking me out

Check kitty for IBS. I swear to god my kitty had the WORSE poops you have ever smelled in your life... paint peeling off the wall bad
He is on premium food, I mean really the cats here eat better than we do. No grains, just good healthy food. But it didn't help.

Took him to vet, and they ended up diagnosing him with kitty IBS, and gave him some meds to take...WOW!!! What a difference in poops. Not squishy, not runny, but totally normal looking and best of all.....they DON'T SMELL LIKE DEATH!!!

But seriously... ask vet about possible IBS...that med they put mine on is a godsend. I tell my vet that every day she is in our prayers for finding out the cause of Stimpy's poops.... and she is absolutely wonderful!
Reminds me of my father, when he came thru looking for the newspaper it was time to evacuate the house, but we still loved him.
This sounds like our latest stray adoption, when she uses the litter box in the laundry room DH would always tell me to call the pentagon cause we found their next chemical weapon!!!!

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