Smudge! AGAIN! Bloody Poop


8 Years
May 20, 2011
San Antonio Texas
Im worried, my little baby who is so attached to me, just pooped, and a clot of red was there. She is acting normal, eating not being lathargic. Im alittle worried because now I have 2 new BO and If she has Cocci I dont want them to get infected. She's three weeks old, to date. I really hate to sound paranoid, but that poo I have never seen before. Is she really just shedding intestinal lining? Are my BO safe from disease? Thanks for any info, if it is lining... Well Im just paranoid.

You're right it is Coxi and it needs treatment before it gets any worse. Baycox is the drug of choice for all birds in the contaminated area and then move off the grass they are on as the Oocysts can survive weeks up to 600 days in the soil. Also scrub then house out with a product to remove the Oocysts such as Bi-OO-Cyst.

Sounds like you've caught it early.
In the states we use sulmet. It is hard on their little digestive systems so after the dosing we follow with some yogurt for a day or two but not during the treatment. Also some people use corid but it does not kill as many kinds of cocci. Either way I would treat everyone and really clean out for them. Good luck with your chicks gloria Jean
..... thanks for the info, now shes 3 weeks, no one believed me in my house that she had bloody poop. Could my family get Cocci? Could I get it from handling her and her poop, while cleaning her brooder? If I go and get the water suplement and cure her and the two BO, will they make it? Or is it better to Cull..

EDIT: Shes Three weeks, I have seen blood on and off in her stool, I asked my mother and she's said, ''Well wouldnt she have died if she's three weeks old?'' Thats what I thought, could this be something else? She has never showed the signs, of fluffing up, laying down, she has been acting like a normal 3 week old chicken. I have been checking her vent, and there is nothing on it. Her poo goes from the standered healthy dropping, to the brown bubbly looking kind, that I have seen also in my older hens. But there is red in her poop, should I go and get the medicine.... I really dont want my BO's to catch it... Ive wanted BO's for along time and just got them... Ahh the life of a chicken owner.
Thanks for any advice.
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I need some advice quickly, my mom thinks there is nothing wrong with her. But I watch a video that said they get Cocci between the ages of 4-8 weeks. She most likely has it. Can I get the medicine from my local feed store? Tractor supply? My mother said god has plans for everything and to see if they live or not, or I can just buy another one. I really dont want to do that... I'd rather help them then let them die.... She and the others are acting fine, but the parasite may still be devolping..
Coccidiosis is a parasitic infection of the intestines. The medication does not prevent or "cure" it, but manages the infection so the chickens can survive it. Any chickens that survive the infection will have a natural immunity to future cocci infections. You will need to treat all of the chickens as all have been exposed. The parasite is found in soil and bird excrement.

You should be able to get Corid or Sumlet at your TSC.

Edit: if the poos were a light runny reddish, it may have been intestinal lining and is nothing to worry about, but if it was deep red and thicker and you are sure it was blood, Coccidiosis is the most likely culprit. See the video and info here and this poop reference.
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They shed it at 3 weeks? Its goes from normal, to oily and foamy, to brown. Everytime she has a normal dropping, it goes from a small red dot, to a large clot of red. I dont think It could be anything else but blood/lining. She hasnt gone outside in a few days(She is still in a brooder), or eaten anything red. But has no symptoms what so ever. The starter grower I have is not medicated, but could that be turning it red? My questions are pretty out there, but Im confused, this little chick is different.
The only way we can pass judgement on her poops is if you post pictures so we can see them. That poop reference has excellent information on what is a normal poop and what's not. Do her poops look anything like what you see on that site?

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