Snapping turtle getting my ducklings!!!

I had the same problem. I took paracord and a large weight and treble hook to make a hand line. Put a piece of chicken on the hook, tied it to my dock, tossed in the water over night. Pulled four 12-15" snappers out of our pond over about 2 weeks. They will continue even after the ducks are grown. The turtle would come up a bite off their feet at night. Not a pretty sight. Haven't had any issues after removing turtles
I would do similar to what they did above with the line and the dock. Take strong fishing line, and I'd use a leader so the turtle beak can't cut the line, and tie a treble hook on. You can tie the line to anything durable. Tree branches, big logs, etc.

Bait the hook with chicken liver or anything meaty. You can clamp on a splitshot sinker to keep it down. Toss the line out into the water and leave it. Doesn't even have to be that deep. The turtles will find it.

Can catch the HECK out of them this way. Just check your lines regularly. The turtles on the end of the line won't be happy, lol.

Get on it and get rid of them!
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anyone ever deal with this? We have a pond and the ducklings are being picked off one by one, by a huge snapping turtle. anyway to move the turtle ?
Well to move it you need to catch it. A fishing pole works just fine with a little bait. Its not that difficult really.
I was assuming it was a giant turtle. I have seen some big ones that have lived in lakes for years!
Bait with what? A duckling? Lol I've got (or had) bass in the pond. Haven't seen many lately but if I can catch a small one would that work?
Lol @ duckling for bait. Anything a fish would eat, a turtle will so the same kinds of bait you catch a bass with will work on a turtle.
I would consider moving the babies out of your pond, at least for now. Give them a little pool, and maybe they will do better in the pond when they are MUCH more mature. They don't have adults to guard them, so they really are vulnerable. Big turtles are VERY old, and it's a shame to wipe them out if there's any other way. Mary

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