Sneezing Chicken

Thanks so much for your reply chicken goddess Im sorry to say tho I had to get her put down a month ago as she just progressivley got worse :( im glad you were able to help your girl tho. Thanks Chely.
How long are eggs disposed after using Doxycycline? I'm sure Chely would like to know.
Good question dawg53! My Dad and I recommend 2 weeks after the last dose of Doxycycline. I believe this because by 2 weeks the antibiotic would surely be out of the chickens system. We just take precautions, as consuming eggs with even the tiniest amount of medication isn't exactly "OK". I gave my chicken her last does probably a week and a half ago and we're still ditching the eggs. You just want to be sure that the antibiotics are out of her system. Egg and meat companies don't write "antibiotic and hormone free" for no reason. I'm sorry I'm not 100% sure how long it takes for it leave the chicken but I think 2 weeks is long enough.
I'm so sorry to hear that Chely. I'm sure your chicken is at peace now. At least you now know what to do in the future if this happens again. With chickens, you gotta act quick or it's too late. But I'm sorry to hear that. If something else happens to your chickens just ask me and I'll see if I can help. Sorry...

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