Sneezing chicks? Is this normal?


Apr 25, 2015
Mountains of North Carolina
I have 16 chicks, about 5 weeks old, different breeds. For about the past week most of them have been sneezing. They have no discharge, no watery or red eyes, no other symptoms at all. They are happy, eating, drinking, hopping around, growing like weeds. They have been inside my house on pine shavings, and I change the bedding one or two times a day. Minimal dust..... no ammonia. Pollen and allergens are terrible right now in my area.. I just moved them outside yesterday. Suggestions? Is this normal?
Sneezing, other than the occasional one from some dust getting in the airway isn't normal.
Sorry, I can't help more.

This time of year, they're probably getting close to not needing a brooder any more.

Less crowding can have a great effect on respiratory issues.
Thanks @ChickenCanoe I live in the mountains of NC. This is the first week that it hasn't been pouring rain and has been above 40 at night, so I have been hesitant to put them out. They still have their heat lamp outside at night. They were also not all in the same brooder, just in the same room of the house. They don't sneeze constantly.....but def. every few minutes.
Sometimes chicks get water that they were drinking up their nose,they have to sneeze it out to prevent drowning.

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