Sneezing chicks one month later: now bubbly eye!!

Well I hope something works out for you.

I just had this awesome page and then my 2 yr old went over and restarted my computer on me. >_< But I had read through the entire thing, it had almost every chicken/turkey/quail disease in the book with signs, symptoms, contagiousness, prevention & treatments-- what you described was how I found CRD and that was the most dead on symptom wise I could find. I did a search specifically for bubbly eye/bubble eye but nothing popped up besides CRD.

I've had chickens most of my life, when I was little my folks had a ton (a flock of 300+) We've always had meat chickens too.. but only now have I seem to caught something in my flock. We just bought 4 ducks about a month ago and now suddenly we are having issues. Not sure if its related to the ducks or not even.. but why else would this have sprung up out of nowhere when things have been fine all along?

I'm going to try some pom! & gatorade.. I also have baytril (for my rabbits) on hand and teramycin. I don't really want to stoop to that yet, but I think I'll give the first two things a shot first.

Hopefully whatever you decide to try works for you. Praying that my chickens come through this all unscathed... I don't know if I could bear to lose Big Black.

All I could get was a 20 gauge needle--didn't carry 22s.

and a 6 pack of 3cc syringes--smallest they had.

no place around has Tylan 50, so i'm getting online

i dread sticking the birds, i really do. i feel sure i'll mess it up
20 gauge will be perfect for tylan if you can ever find it. I cant believe TSC didnt have it. Were they just out of it? It is very easy to inject. Much easier than I thought it would be. I'm sure you will do fine.


Thank you again. When the Tylan comes in, I'll start 'shootin' right away.

It seems certain that TSC and NO ONE around here carries Tylan 50. (I found Tylan 200 and maybe mistakenly thought I shouldn't try that)

TSC here doesn't carry Tylan in any form--disgusting.

By the way, Speckled, would your Majesty
care to inform the plebian panel just what/who is the lovely bird in your avatar?
Chickenmonk, you can practice giving injections on an orange; it really is easy...well, I say this not having ever given a chicken injection, but I've given my horses and donkeys injections and I'd sure think that would be more tough than a chicken. I'm sure you'll do fine. Please keep us posted!!

I shall keep you posted, either here or in another thread.

But I don't want to miss this chance. I'm not sure I get what you said the other day.

If I understand correctly, you and your friend have ordered chicks from large hatcheries (e.g. Cackle, Murray Mc, Mt. Healthy, etc. and you have not had problems with these birds. But the chicks you have gotten from 'private', smaller breeders--even though considered good breeders--have been 'problem birds' healthwise. This is what I understand you to have said.

If this is so, I think it's important to keep in mind for any of us who might look to a smaller 'do it myself' breeder as a source for chicks. Not that a 'local' breeder is to be shunned, but it seems good to know if someone has had trouble in this regard.

Injecting your chicks? You mean doing your own Marek's, Cocci, etc. vaccines at home for your future chicks? Neat, if I got you right on this one!!
You can use tylan 200 with no problem. You just need to adjust the dosage given. Did you speak with someone at the store about having tylan 50? All tractor supplies will carry this at store level, it is with the cattle products. Either way, best of luck to you.
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Gee, I wish I had known about the T200. Oh well. The T50 was shipped today. The person at the nearest TSC said they only had one thing for cattle and swine, and it wasn't Tylan/Tylosin. There are other TSCs around MA, but I can't really make it to them, as I don't get out much, as a monk........
This is similar to my own situation, perfectly healthy but sneezing occasionally and one hen has a bubbly eye. Their coop isn't as clean as i would like, doesn't smell very badly. They always have clean water.

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