
In the Brooder
Dec 4, 2020
Hi all- I am a new chicken mom & am worried because I have noticed that my four silkies have been sneezing more than I would think is normal (?) for a few days.

-there is no snot, no watery eyes, no lethargy or anything else out of the usual.
- they are running around, greeting me like normal,eating, drinking, taking dust baths and otherwise acting normal.

-they have pine bedding but everything is dry and smells ammonia free.
-we had heavyrain this weekend and though I tried to coax them back into the dry coop they demanded they be allowed to stand in the rain. I tried to dry them off at the end of the day as much as I could.
-I did use some DE last Friday near their dust baths, but not a ton.
-they are eating mostly fermented feed, fruits and veggies & mealworms.

how concerned do I need to be? Or should I just keep an eye on them and make sure sneezing doesn’t progress?
there is no snot, no watery eyes, no lethargy or anything else out of the usual.

- they are running around, greeting me like normal,eating, drinking, taking dust baths and otherwise acting normal.
If you have a video of them you wish to share that would be good. Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

How old are they?

They have no other symptoms and are active and acting normal.
I would monitor them.
If you notice any other symptoms - lethargy, watery or bubbly eyes, mucous, going off feed, etc. then there's cause for concern.

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