Snohomish, WA looking for a barnevelder rooster

Hen Chatter

Apr 27, 2019
For my 7 hens, would like a barnevelder or other friendly roo that will enhance dark chocolate eggers (welsummer, French black copper marans). I decided on a barnevelder because they supposedly crow less, are friendly, and hens are dark egg layers. Neighbors have never complained - lucky there - although I do live in a semi-rural area.
Too bad you’re not looking for a white layer. Have Swedish Flower and French Barbezieux older cockerels and I drive to Snohomish every day from Arlington 😊

Hopefully you can find one you’re looking for. I’ll check my flock tomorrow and see if there are any FBCM. Only other boys that I can think of at the moment are Swedish Isbars and Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.
I will have a Barnevelder rooster soon. They are hatching as we speak and where I live we can't have roos. I'm in northwest Oregon.

If you aren't in a hurry....
Hi ShannonsChimkens, I remember those breeds!

I have Olive egger roosters, (Cream-legbar/BCM) and (EE/BCM)
I also have (a AC/EE mix) and (LO/EE rooster) but I am in E. WA
I will have a Barnevelder rooster soon. They are hatching as we speak and where I live we can't have roos. I'm in northwest Oregon.

If you aren't in a hurry....
I gave up looking for a grown or nearly grown roo, so I tried to get a rooster chick from the Snohomish co-op but am not sure what I got yet. One is definitely a male but am not sure of the breed. I know I have at least 2 barnevelder hens, a prairie bluebell, and a marans. I am going to wait and see what happens. The Portland area is a long way to go to pick up a chicken (assuming the rooster I have ends up the wrong breed), unless you end up with plans to come to Seattle or farther north for another reason where we could meet. If yours are about 2 months old, they are a few weeks older than my chicks.
For my 7 hens, would like a barnevelder or other friendly roo that will enhance dark chocolate eggers (welsummer, French black copper marans). I decided on a barnevelder because they supposedly crow less, are friendly, and hens are dark egg layers. Neighbors have never complained - lucky there - although I do live in a semi-rural area.
I mentioned how I gave up on finding a Barnevelder rooster in another post & got 3 barnevelder chicks instead, 2 were supposed to be roosters (longer story!). I took a good look at them today (5 wks old) & 2 of the Barnevelders have a more pronounced comb than the 3rd, so it looks like I might have 2 roos. The prairie bluebell does look like it is a hen. The cuckoo marans is so much bigger than the other chicks that I thought it might be a roo until I found the website (Privett Hatchery) that supplied that breed to the Snohomish Co-op - they look like barred rocks with slight differences & the hens do have a comb, so the jury is still out on whether it is a hen or roo. Starting to get the chicken barn ready for these chicks. They will need heat again but a larger enclosure than what they have now.

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