So I quit smoking today......(HELP!!!!)

I quit many years ago and was smoke-free for 12 years. Then one night while drinking with friends I smoked a cigarette...after 12 years!! I was hooked again and smoked for another 6 years before my husband and I quit about 7 years ago. It was tough for me.

This won't be another pat on the back post. You've got some hard work ahead of you.

First of all don't pick up the 1st cigarette and you will never have to worry about the 2nd. That was my golden rule.

It took 18 months for me to feel like a human being again after quitting smoking. Don't believe the ads that say in a few weeks everything will be hunky dorey. The first week is tough. But the second week isn't any better. It only takes 3 days to get the nicotine out of your system but all the chemicals they put in cigarettes now days is makes it very difficult to quit. There are 599 different additives added to the cigarettes in the United States. Here is the list: Many of these additives are included to make it even more difficult to quit. Go figure.

So anyway the first 2 weeks will be your most difficult.

Stay away from smokers for at least a few months!! That's very important. Even after they have smoked a cigarette. It will take about 30 minutes for the smoke smell to die down after your wife smokes a cigarette.

Do not allow anyone to smoke in the house. Get rid of every ash tray. All smoking should be done outside.

So after the first 2 weeks you're probably saying to yourself "Why do I still want a cigarette? I should be over this! Not so. Remember those 599 different additives. The only way you can see progress is by looking BACK to where you were 2 weeks ago. It is the only way you will see progress. At a month look BACK at where you were 2 weeks ago. Continue this month after month. Otherwise you will become discouraged because you won't feel and see the results. So look BACK.

It took me 12 months to feel sane again but I still wanted a cigarette. I didn't crave one but I wanted one. It was a weak want but a want is a want. It wasn't until 18 months that the cravings were completely null and void.

And even now every once in awhile when someone lights up where I'm at, it still smells good for a few minutes before I start gagging. But I've quit successfully two times and I've learned my lesson the hard way.

Lastly, man up!! Set the house rules and don't let anyone break them and don't apologize to anyone for having made them.
I carried a pack in my pocket for 2 days when I quit. I'd usually fret about not having them and since I did have then with me I figured that if I wanted one bad enough they were right there.

I sometimes have dreams where I've started smoking again. They're more like nightmares.

If you do break down and smoke one don't beat yourself up over it. Few people ever quit on their first try.

ETA.... Also exercise. Start walking, running, or cycling. It will suck at first as you have a lot of gunk in your lungs but the cardio will help reverse the ill effects.
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When my sister and I stopped smoking, over 30 years ago, we at packets of mints. i had a packet in every pocket and we got really worried about the effect it might have on our tooth enamel. Anyway, here we are, still not smoing and still all our own teeth!!
good for you!!!! go man!!!!.....i will give you my (help you not smoke talk)...everytime you dont light up you save 7 minutes off will live longer!!! if you stop smoking
your lungs return to a man who never smoked....i cant remember how long it is...maybe a year of no smoking!...but it is worth it! will feel better, look better, and WONT smell like a bottom of
an ash tray anymore!!!...GOOD JOB!!!!!
I smoked from the age of 12 til I was 48, 36 yrs. I took Chantix for 8 days and quit. No withdrawal, no cravings, nothing. It was so stupid easy it was scary. I kept taking Chantix for another 3 wks then stopped. That was 3 yrs ago last October and the 1st time I'd ever tried to quit. Never smoked another cigarette, don't think of it and sure don't miss it. My husband and brother both smoked the same number of years and we all quit at the same time with Chantix. All 3 of us are still non-smokers. Not a single slip. Strange I could give something up so easily I thought I'd die without.
I have never smoked which I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted to since I'm allergic to it. From watching other people try to quit I know that if you reward yourself it will help you out. One person that I use to chat with wanted to buy a brand new Harley really bad and realized he spent more a month on cigarettes than it would cost for the bike payment. He decided to stop cold turkey during the winter and saved the money he would of spend on the cigarettes for a down payment on the bike and spent most of the summer riding. He was miserable for a couple of weeks but kept thinking of riding around on a brand new Harley.

If you're worried about weight gain you should consider doing some small workouts whenever you get a craving to keep your mind off of smoking and to get yourself in shape so you don't have to worry about gaining weight. I know some people chew gum which might be good to try as long as it is sugar free. You might try a calorie journal which would help you keep track of what you're eating but also making you use your mind and hands for writing it down instead of smoking.

Now would be a good time to find a hobby to keep yourself busy.

If you like video games get something that will keep you busy nonstop. I know people love playing Call of Duty but I noticed one problem with it is the wait time in between matches. Seems like that is when everyone tries to do a quick smoke break. If you like video games especially role playing ones try Skyrim. It is hard to stop once you get going and it is has to be at least a 100 hours or more long if you do all the side quests besides main quests.

Like others have suggested puzzles, word search books, or crossword puzzles. They keep your brain busy. Something nice for your wife to do would be those latch hook rugs. They can be expensive for a nice big one but keep you busy and your hands moving. In the end you have a nice rug to use or sale. Maybe some other types of crafts or activities.
i quit smoking last feb., cold turkey, wasn't easy and even now i sometimes would kill for one, peppermint hard candies and gum helped me. something in the peppermint helps with the craving. ( i smoked for over 40 years so you can do it!!!) good luck

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