So long BYC!

Congrats! I think its great going out in the country!
I think all people with chickens should have the opportunity to live in the country. Personally, if I go to a big city for more than 3 days, I break out into hives and start to blubber like an idiot. Hope you like the country!!
Ahh, our internet isnt shut off yet! LOL. I thought it was gone today, guess its tomorrow.

Well, we didnt get as much done tonight as hoped because the fog was horrible, but we managed to get some stuff going! Thank you all for the well wishes. Rob, if I broke any rules Im very sorry, I was not aware of it. This post can be removed if needed, its all good!

Guess I shoulda filled you newer folks in a bit, haha. I used to live in the country, for most of my childhood actually. About 5 years ago my parents plopped me down in the city, and I had to keep all of my animals at my grandmas. Evil family members tormented me and my animals, and its so good to finally be able to keep them with me. Also, Momma_Cluck, I just went from over 60 birds to 10!

Thanks again folks, see ya all later!
Woo hoo! That's wonderful!
Will you still be in CA, or another state?

And of course, we all assume you're getting more chickens?
Whoooooohooooo Jordan, congrats on finally getting to a place where you have some space. And whoa...... a pond? My ducks and geese are going to come a visit you, okay? They might want to stay for a while, too. LOL
We will need pictures!


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