SO mad! Darn Neighbor's Cats!

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KaterCheek you're wrong. Sounds like maybe you've been on the other side of the fence! Yes cats raised as barncats with birds may be more laid back than most, but that doesn't mean all cats act that way. My neighbor's cat has repeatedly attacked my LARGE guineas and although she hasn't been able to kill them, has done some serious damage to a few. I now have young EEs and bantams that can probably never free range because she WILL kill them. This cat is a master at hiding and ambushing the birds while my back is turned and then taking off before I can get to it. No amount of spraying, rock throwing, or yelling makes a difference. When my dog was alive he would chase it and it would just come back. I've had a trap out with all kinds of goodies and that cat has never gone in it! DEMON CAT! Some cats are more predatory than others and YES they will kill our birds.
That cat isn't "mingling"! I vote for ATTEMPTING to trap the cat and taking it to the shelter. I haven't tried to kill my nemisis, and I won't because its owner is a good person who has done alot for me, but I would sure understand if someone else took drastic measures!
Why no cover? Are you so okay with hawks and raccoons taking your ducks, that you'd rather focus on what's wrong with the neighbor's cat than on protecting your animals? When you have taken the steps to protect your animals appropriately from *all* predators not just the cat, THEN you get sympathy. Until then... I have trouble giving much sympathy.

EDIT: If my birds (including ducks) were free ranging and got taken by a predator, I would blame MYSELF not the predator, for not providing a secure environment.
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I have to say, this is a first for me. I thought the law of the land was to protect what was yours at any & all cost. You say something about why should the people that own the cat disrupt their lives by keepin the cat indoors. Well, why should the person that has double fences up, their animals stay on their property etc etc... have to be a nervous wreck over someone's animals which in turn is disrupting their lives & it's not even their animal that's disrupting their life. I totally do not agree with your way of thinkin. I know that I'm not gonna be miserable & worry about about how I disrupt some persons life when they are disrupting mine & not being responsible by keepin their animals under control. WOW, is all I've got to say about your way of thinkin.
WOW!! I must completely be off base on this. I would think that as long as my animals were on my property & hurting no one else's stuff then I would be alright. I didn't know we should go out of our way to accomadate other people's animals on our property. What's this world comin too?
Why no cover? Are you so okay with hawks and raccoons taking your ducks, that you'd rather focus on what's wrong with the neighbor's cat than on protecting your animals? When you have taken the steps to protect your animals appropriately from *all* predators not just the cat, THEN you get sympathy. Until then... I have trouble giving much sympathy.

EDIT: If my birds (including ducks) were free ranging and got taken by a predator, I would blame MYSELF not the predator, for not providing a secure environment.
Why no cover? Are you so okay with hawks and raccoons taking your ducks, that you'd rather focus on what's wrong with the neighbor's cat than on protecting your animals? When you have taken the steps to protect your animals appropriately from *all* predators not just the cat, THEN you get sympathy. Until then... I have trouble giving much sympathy.

EDIT: If my birds (including ducks) were free ranging and got taken by a predator, I would blame MYSELF not the predator, for not providing a secure environment.

Wow! Obviously a hot topic! Cat lovers in overdrive here! I have sympathy for anyone who is attempting to do the best for their birds, to the best of their ability, by coming to this site for advice and opinions. Isn't that why this site is here?
annaraven - When i am not home, all of my birds are within totally enclosed predator-proof pens and locked up tight in predator-proof coops at night. The area where i let my ducks wander during the day *only while i am at home and within steps away*, is right off my covered porch surrounded by large trees which create a canopy. A hawk could not effectively get into that area and we do not have raccoons during the day, nor at night (our goats seem to keep them away). But if we did, a raccoon could not make it through the chain link and hardware covered pens and into the secure coops with multiple locks on every door. The ducks are not just free-ranging all over my backyard. They can go from their enclosed pen, underneath huge shade trees, and up on the patio or over to another small area under more trees. And again, this area is double-fenced, and that doesn't include our regular property fence.

Look, i just started this thread because i was upset my ducks were almost killed and my neighbor didn't seem to care. i welcome all the wonderful suggestions and input. But i don't feel like being attacked by people who want to tell me i basically got what i deserved or it's all my fault. i didn't ask for sympathy. i was just responding to KaterCheek's comment that she was sympathizing with the neighbors.
You don't have to wait until the cat kills your birds to take action. My mother lost three fully grown hens to the neighbor's roaming cats before she asked my husband shoot the cats for her. It isn't your responsibility to keep their cat safe and out of trouble. That's your neighbors responsibility. Your responsibility is to your birds. I would get rid of that cat, one way or another.
Also, the neighbors threatened dire consequences for killing the cats, and my husband called the police. The police, in turn, paid the neighbors a visit, and my mother hasn't heard a peep from the neighbors or their remaining cats since. You don't have to fear retaliation, there are avenues available to deal with something of that nature. It is unreasonable to expect another person to just put up with an animal that threatens livestock.
We're behind you ESF! This is not supposed to be a site where people are attacked for asking for help, at least I hope not, since I'm new here and want to feel free to ask questions. You're going to have to go with your gut eventually, and you got a good variety of answers and solutions to think about. Good luck, it's not an easy situation, I know since I have a similar situation here. Whatever you choose to do for you, will be the right decision!
I understand your being upset about the neighbor's cat. Really I do! And I hope you find a good solution. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you. I was trying very hard not to overreact to the idea of shooting a cat who wasn't attacking (you *didn't* say attacking until later in the thread).

I just also understand your neighbor being upset by you threatening to shoot her cat. The problem is - even if they wanted to, there's not always a lot the neighbors could do to keep the cat out of your yard. Cats aren't like dogs. They don't "stay". If they're an indoor/outdoor cat, it's not a sign of lack of caring - it's a sign that the cat wants to be an indoor/outdoor cat. And it's really really hard to keep an indoor/outdoor cat from other going into other yards. The best your neighbors could do might be to put up a cat-fence on top of their privacy fence which may or may not be effective. But, if you already have fences, then the suggestion to put up some electrical on yours, seems to be very practical to me and more effective against all cats and other predators (especially since you mentioned having had a problem with feral cats previously).

I do hope you are able to find some good ways here to protect your ducks and chickens from that cat - I know how nerve-wracking it can be to worry about them being attacked.
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