So mad I could Spit !!!! ( bad bird dealer)

OMG... That is soooo wrong!
I can't believe someone would put that as someone's feedback!
Seems a little juvenile - all the name calling.
You gave that person money, your bird DIED, and then they do that.
Shame, Shame, Shame on them!
Sorry to hear about this! That is my biggest fear. I hope you get everything straight with him. I'm also sorry for all the others this guy burned. I would report him to eggsbid and ask them if they know what he is up to. They should at least post a warning about this guy. Some people should never beable to have any kind of animals! It does make you sick knowing how much he hurts the people and the poor animals! Good Luck on kicking the @#$% out of Mr. Big Money! What a joke! I hope he gets what's coming to him. Thanks for letting us on BYC know about this bad guy!
Sorry Chickenzoo, you post facts about his he wants to blast you.
.........we need more people to post feedback, but he will destroy anyone with any feedback. eggbid need to ban him for sure, again. he is a scammer for sure.....

This is one bird he sold, a blue split peach will look like a blue, with no peach showing......This guy need run out of town on a rail!!!!!!!!!!!!

I havea nice long tail india blue male split to peach has nice peach coloring on his back and chest is almost completely orange from the peach, nice looking bird will throw peach chicks, Free Shipping and Box email with any questions
well, this shows the character of this man now!!
I would never buy from a person who would post such insults in any feedback, even if the buyer deserved it, there more professional ways to post your negatives, insults are not it!

Oh, and I personally know Chickenzoo, she's been here before, and have talked numerous times, she's a far cry from a 450 pound fat trailer trash person, cant say the same for this a-----hole...... She is a very kind and generous lady from my dealing with her and does not deserve this treatment, I hope he chokes on his words one day!!
Sorry girl..... what a jerk. Do you know if he is a UPA member? If so , turn him into them, they'll ban him from the club for this.
Trying eggbid as we all know, wont do a bit of good, they could care less as long as their commission comes in....
Thanks guys for letting me know....... WoW, I knew he was a low life when he called me a B but wow. O well... he is just showing what a jerk he is. I posted feed back for him, but nothing nasty. What he says just shows the type of person he is, he'll discredit himself. I guess I really hit a nerve with him.... LOL

Oh, I hope he legally reports all his sales to IRS... LOL
I was just wondering is this an older man or a 10 yr old????????? by the post he left I would say 8 1/2. You should post the pictures of the birds on eggbid so everyone can see the health that his birds are in.

By the way the owner of eggbid doesn't care they don't even monitor the website it does what it does and that's it as long as he gets his money. You know this FL guy and the one in NY did this fighting last year and they both looked like idiots.

A while back there was some lunatic on there who was posting horrible things about someone else to. Now I have to go find out so I know which one it is.

At the time it was hard to know who was in the right and who was in the wrong because they had a war going on. Now we will know--and stay away from them.

Oh and they also changed their name several times from what I heard, so buyer beware!!
Yep, same person--notice the new name? They can't keep the same one because of all the negative feedback. They keep changing it up and they are one nasty person. They always try and switch it around and make the other person look bad.

Good to know!!!!!!!!!!

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