Hey ya'll, I'm sorry I haven't been around. As some know I started having stomach issues. Well..................3 weeks ago today I had 2 feet of my sigmoid colon removed. Has nothing to do with the cancer (which is still in check as per last PET) I has a.blockage the size of a baseball. I almost didn't have the surgery, I couldn't keep the prep down but my doc didn't feel right about it and did the surgery. I'd be dead right now if he didn't.

Ok so now I poop in a bag. Could be worse, could be not pooping at all again!!!!!

How is everyone? Welcome to all the new folks. Please let me apologize in advance if I hurt your feelings. Long timers know I don't put up with any weenie whining about having cancer. I've had it 5 years and now on I poop in a bag tooo. Yeah, I can get a real attitude. Our old friend, Burt, used to call me the General. I'm here to hold your hand, stand beside you in this fight, BUT I will not stand and listen to you whine. You got cancer. SO WHAt!! IT'S HAPPEN TO BETTER PEOPLE THAN YOU, WORSE TO. YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO DIE? YOU ARE! yOU HAVE ALREADY GIVEN IT THE HOLD IT NEEDS

However, if you are ready to fight for your life, I'm here to stand beside you all the way. We don't say quit. We may not all with the war, but we are going to give the one H*E*L*L* of a fight
Sorry about the intestine. I do not facebook so I am out of the loop.
I still think of you though.
We finally have coyotes at our place now. So I think of you every time I see a print.

Are you feeling better? Are you back on your feet? How is lurchie? You sure do put him through it.
How are the fur babies?

Still no cancer? are you on permanent chemo? or are you on the 3000 mile lube schedule?
Glad to hear from you.
How did the bank/house problems turn out?
Good to hear from you!
I know a lot of you guys on FB and they already know...but some of my BYC friends might not know that my husband of 38 years has passed away. :( I was with him & watched him take his last breath. I hope he's in a wonderful place now with no pain and not attached to any tubes, wires, machines and is FREE. I miss him every day, some days are really bad, but I slog on. He was only 67. Now I'm on my own.
I am so sorry.
That is not how your retirement was supposed to play out.
It is totally unfair. I know life is not fair. but, It ought to be. It should be.
I am so sorry.
I am just so terribly sorry.

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