I care, My friend.
Not sure how encouraging this statement is??!!

It is very true. The last time I had a pity party about finances, I saw a news story about a gal with a college education who had her kids taken away from her because she cannot provide for them.

As far as the subject of this thread, and not to sound harsh at all, alive is better than dead. I would be completely heartbroken to learn of anyone on this thread passing. Truly heartbroken. That phrase, there is always someone worse off than you, is very true. No matter how down you are, pay attention to what goes on around you and you will find that it is true.

I have taken a long time to review this post before hitting submit. I believe in what I said. Those of us still walking on this big green marble will always have something to be thankful for. Whether that is not barfing from chemo drugs, or being pleased your hubby came home again from a firefighting job.

Yes so true, my Dad alway said see a man without shoes, look around you will see a man with no legs.

Fact took me sometime to see......I lost my son in a car wreak, couldn't even see right in front of me at that time, yes it could be worse, i lost my son ,but the poor mother of those in the other car, lost her husband, two of her 3 sons. So yes look around if you think you have it bad,other don't have it as good as you.
This is one of the very sweetest things that I have ever read.
Thank you, 3goodeggs. Beyond what words can frame.

For all of us, sick or not, sometimes it can be just one foot in front of the other to survive each moment, physically or emotionally, or both, no need to see beyond that moment if that's what it takes.
Now, I gotta say it would feel a lot better otherwise
, but some days, some weeks, some months, that's just the way it is, ok maybe most most or all days at times.

My entire life, not just when I've been sick, I've always believed that just because there's someone that has it worse off than we are that it does not slight the impact of whatever another person might be experiencing in their life. My kids would be the first to say that through all the horrors of the surgeries or burns and such from my Tx, that their daily lives and everything in them, good, bad, ugly, were the most important things to it would have been at any time. Every moment matters, in each person's life.

3goodeggs, you're in my thoughts. You were one of the people here that made me feel accepted...which is a big thing. Sometimes things in our life just become flat-line....or other things in life can get us down so low, especially when we can't see a change or a way out in the near future...we all need friends to get us through. Thank you for being that to so many of us, even if you didn't realize it, and please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us.
Everyone is touched by sadness, or disease, or disaster, or financial ruin. We all wonder what tomorrow has in store for us. Sara is right, we just have to start humming the rubber tree plant song, and 'start all over again.'
Maybe that is how we get the world out of this recession/depression. We all have to just 'Start all over again."

My body feels very old, and I can't do what I used to be able to do. But maybe I just do not need to try for it all.
I just need to scale back and do what I can. Sara is an inspiration. I hope it went well today Sara. That is a very difficult thing to do.

I can not imagine losing a child, deerman. That pain never goes away. The pain I am feeling from certain people in my life can never compare to that loss.

All of your words have helped me. I really did not mean for it to be about me, I just wanted you all to know that even when times are hard, someone is thinking about you. You all bring me out of my sadness and I say a prayer for you. I come to this thread daily and I offer my energy and thoughts and best wishes... and you don't even know it.

... well, you do now.
HOPE, for such a small word it has a huge meaning

If you planted hope today in any hopeless heart
If someones burden was lighter because you did your part
If you caused a laugh that chased a tear away
If tonight your name is mentioned when someone kneels to pray
Then your day was well spent.

If any readers here are prayer warriors, we can sure use some. My oldest son kept it quiet (didn't want me to know) that he went in this morning to have three growths on the back of his neck removed. I found out when my granddaughter accidently posted it on facebook. He SAYS that the Dr is pretty sure it is benign, won't know for three weeks. He's had them removed before. But between my family's history, I find it hard not to worry. He's 37 years old. My mom, all her sisters and grandmother had breast and ovarian cancers. My Dad had skin cancers that cropped up faster than they could be removed, some of which made their way into nodes, one inside a kidney and grew so fast that it pushed everything around it out of shape (he wasn't a big guy). Cancer stole his life. And to keep me worried more, two years ago, following a botched knee surgery on my son (from jumping out of helo's) his lungs filled with blood clots and he nearly died. Ended up on blood thinners longer than normal, including shots daily. Took him a long time to recover. But it's like a knee jerk reaction, this first response when hearing the news and waiting. I am good at putting on a calm face, doing what needs doing, but here, I can be honest and say that there's a part of me, somewhere between my heart and stomach that knots up tight. My DIL needs prayer too, as do their daughters.

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