So this 2 month chick...


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2018
Alright so, I am inexperienced with chickens at all, Ive mostly keept quails so now as a friend I got a chicken or a rooster, thats th problem here, nor the seller nor I knew how to determine a 2 day old chick. And at the time I forgot about deremining by wing feathers.
So now as the bird grows more questions arise:

(The breed is an ameraucana)

So it would seem this chick loves to peck at the quails and fight the rooster.
But is the only chicken so it might be her pecking order but the quails dont have those rules

Has alot of shiny feathers

Red crown..altough it also gets pale at times so its confusing.(just as I write it became pale

Neck feathers seem quite rounded and not long

Tail feathers are sharp ended

Doesnt puff up alot but does it while rough-housing

2 and a half months old and only peeps and still cirps

Also loves to lay around and be a nice pancake


This is the lady or gentelman in question
This is an Easter Egger cockerel.
The feathers in question aren't cockerel feathers though, he's too young for them at 8 weeks. The way you can tell is the color of his comb, but it also looks like he's got red wing shoulders.

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