So upset!! Lost my first chicken to neighbor's dog!! :(

I agree!! My chickens free range but not all day, I don't usually let them out of the run until late afternoon so I can keep an eye on them. At night they are locked up safely in the coop. I would not be that surprised to lose some to WILD predators here and there, but for stupid people to let their pets loose so they can attack my animals on MY property is unacceptable. And my birds absolutely love free ranging, if I kept them shut up in their run all day every day they would not be happy.

Does anyone know a site where I can look up laws in my state?? So far all I can find is that we have a leash law stating that all dogs must be help on a leash when not on their own property. I want to know if I could legally shoot a dog that's killing/hurting my flock. I would absolutely not want to do that (I love dogs!) but if a dog is harming my birds I definitely won't sacrifice my flock for the dog.
Use Google the search is your state's name state statutes for example Maine state statutes would get me my state statutes.

In Maine a dog even harassing livestock on the land not the dog owner's can be killed.
Something to consider before shooting the dog. You've already stated that your neighbor is unstable and has a record. Will you be putting your safety or that of your children, or DH in danger? Would he retaliate by harming your birds? I'm pretty sure I would have called local law enforcement when he was peeking in my windows.... Whatever you end up doing, please be safe!
I agree, you sometimes have to think about neighbor relations in these situations. It's easy for someone far away to say "oh, just kill the dog," but you still have to live next door to the person. I would give the guy a heads up about the law in your area as non-confrontational as possible, but bring your husband or some "muscle" when you do.
mommyofthree wrote: ...I found the dog eating one of my chickens in the coop. I knew by the looks of the chicken that it was already dead and I was ticked!! I started hitting the dog and it wouldn't stop eating the chicken, it was a disgusting/disturbing thing to see. ...

Hmmm, when not trespassing himself to peep, he tries to cover up the fact that his proxy agent of trespass killed your chook. I wouldn't bother with livestock laws in your `township'?/state. I'd have immediately phoned the cops and reported that the dog attempted to attack me. Since you were the only person to witness the dog munching your dead girl (and attempted to separate dog from carcass), who is to say that the dog didn't try to bite you? All flock owners need to default to this position as it is legal, in every state, so far as I know, to kill a dog attacking a human or, if not shot, it allows one a wider range of legal options than small claims court for the cost of a chicken (also tends to focus the attention of the owner of the dog in a way that a few piles of feathers doesn't).

A loose dog is road kill waiting to happen.

I'm hopeful you all can get through to this `gentleman', you might mention that the dog bared its teeth at you when you tried to remove the chook...

Best of luck!​
I'd have immediately phoned the cops and reported that the dog attempted to attack me.

So your best advice it to lie about it?

She stated the dog had never gotten out before, and it's still a puppy
It could have been an accident.

Responsibility is needed on BOTH sides.

A good fence keeps things both in and out. (Most of the time)

Lying about it is NOT a good option​
Mommyofthree - This very unfortunate, and I would DEFINITELY call the Humane Society/Animal Control if the dog ever leaves his yard NOT on a leash..

And to "ivan3" - it's common sense to NEVER put yourself in between a dog (or other animal) that is eating - especially when the animal is eating raw flesh!
DesertDarlene sez...." its easy to tell someone from far away to just shoot the dog"
Thats why people SSS...So they solve the problem of their chickens being destroyed, and don't have to deal with a peeping tom, whack job that can't/won't keep their dog home...I love how some dog owners think they somehow have a right to just let their dogs run loose and mess with other peoples animals,etc.Some people raise chickens to retain control of their food supply, some for pets and enjoyment.Their are no excuses for dogs running loose, killing chickens....
Another great line i read here is " Oh, thats just what dogs do, kill chickens because they think it a play toy" yeah right..! What a cop out..! They kill chickens, etc.. because the owner never took the time to train/discipline the dog properly...

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