So upset!! Lost my first chicken to neighbor's dog!! :(

I doubt he feeds it regularly. It is normally kept in the house, but when I see it outside I do give it treats b/c I always wonder if he feeds it. The way it was gobbling my chicken it seemed to be starving!!

Most of the time dogs don't eat the chickens they kill; they merely play with them. If it was eating the bird, it was starving.
These stories are all to that roam kill more people birds than any wild predators. We need laws that will give people a few days in jail for letting their dogs roam!!!!!!

How many children have been harmed by free roaming dogs. Even killed....I can control the # of wild predators , hard to do when neighbors just keep getting more dogs.

Yes I keep all my animals behind fence or in pens. Dogs still kill them, they don't even get in the pens.

so sick of dealing with them
I think it's time to call animal control/humane society at least for the dog's sake if not for your chickens.

P.S. I'm glad to hear that a lot of people here don't like roaming dogs anymore than I do. In the rural areas near where I live, people seem to act like it's a normal thing to just let their dogs roam all over the countryside attacking people and livestock. That is one reason why I've always been on guard walking or riding my bike in rural or rural residential areas. This site has given me comfort that not all people have that attitude.
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yes for some reason, most people out in the country thinks its ok. Except people with animals to protect.

Yes walking down a county road, about as much danger as walking down a bear trail.
Where I stay at, if a dog comes on to your property, you can shoot it, and the dog owner is responsible for any damages caused by their pet, he would have to replace your chicken. Although cats on the other hand, you can't kill them.
First, so sorry for your bird - she lived a horrible nightmare before she died.

Second, your 'neighbor' is reprehensible. There is an epidemic or irresponsibility these days. I have 2 'neighbors' who haven't an ounce of remorse when their dogs run at large and harm others (I have nothing against dogs but I have a great deal of disgust for irresponsible humans). Your low life must be billed to the maximum extent feasible under the law as lower life forms rarely learn unless their pocketbooks are hit, and even then, maybe not. (there are many threads here on BYC about how to do this)

Third, that dog needs to be relieved of it's 'guardian' and given a better life somewhere else. I think your birds are stuck in lockdown until that happens because when the moron slips up again, that dog will make a bee line for your birds.

Fourth, you might to put a drop or two of Rescue Remedy in your bird's water for the next few days. They witnessed a horrid sight and are likely stressed even if not obvious.

Apparently, Mommyofthree has a very twisted violent neighbor.With a person like that, i'd be very careful about calling the authorities.That could back fire and bring violence to Mommyofthree....
It is sad that the guy appears to be straving and beating his own dog. Still, the dog can't be left to just come over and kill chickens to survive..
Things like this can get very ugly and dangerous, and i don't mean just for the dog and chickens.
This is why i said SSS, because some disputes cannot be worked out in a civil way, and this may be the only way to end a bad situation.
I suppose Mommyofthree can try and catch the dog and bring it to the dogpound. However, what would be nut jobs reaction be if he happened to see his dog being caught and carted off.What if the dog turns on Mommyofthree and bites the helll out of her...
Yes,it is a sad ordeal, she has a right to keep her chickens in peace and not be subject to this.Lets face it, this guy is likely going to keep abusing dogs and people.Their are so many dogs up for adoption, the dogpound will likely put the abused dog down anyway.Why make the animal suffer..? Its not easy making the hard descisions in life..
I raise my hens for my own food, i eat allot of eggs..This isn't a hobby for me and many more out there.I don't trust the goverment to protect the food supply we eat.
I'm sorry to seem heartless about this problem Mommyofthree is dealing with,but protecting my food supply is of paramount importance to me...
Why should Mommyofthree risk her and her families well being, to try and work out a problem with a sick dude like her neighbor..HE DOESN"T GIVE A CRAP...! SSS....put the poor dog out of its misery, protect your chickens and perhaps family, and keep away from wacko neighbor...
Just do it when hes not home, so he doesn't hear the gun shot, and the bury the dog deep, leaving the area looking as natural as its surroundings..
I know many disagree with me, i don't hate dogs, but a responsible livestock owner needs to do what he/she believes is best in a given situation.If your not willing to protect your flock, you probabley shouldn't have them. Thats just the way i feel about it, and would handle this problem..
I'd stay clear of a neighbor like Mommyofthree has,he has shown his true dangerous colors....
I agree with you, especially about not trusting the government with our food supply...but that's a whole other topic, lol. We don't want to involve the authorities if we don't have to, for fear of retaliation. I stay at home with my 3 toddlers during the day while my hubby works and the neighbor knows this. I keep the doors locked when hubby is gone and when we are outside I keep my dog out with us, and always make sure to keep an eye out for the creep. He has proven himself time and time again as unstable and dangerous. I need to put my families safety first, but I obviously want to protect my flock at all costs too, which is why they are on lock down in the run right now until there is a solution to our moron problem.
Sadly if the dog gets out again, SSS would likely be the best solution. And if it does get out it might even just run away, he has had dogs before that got out and ran away to never return. Not surprising due to how he treats them. I'm just worried that if this dog takes off and disappears, or he gets rid of it he will just get another one. I can't count how many dogs he's had in the past 5 years, he never keeps them more than 6 months or so before he gets rid of it and gets a new one. And his cats, geesh!! He had 6 outdoor cats that he just stopped feeding last winter. This spring I caught them all and got them fixed and 2 have stayed by me, the rest went to the barn across the street. He says he stopped feeding them b/c he didn't want to feed all the neighbor's cats too. But it's okay for his cats to come eat MY cat food?? Ugh!! Some people should never be allowed to own pets.
His parents own some separate property and have it for sale right next to the house, hopefully someone will come along and want to buy that AND the house. Otherwise hubby and I are considering talking to the parents about selling us the house so we can rent it out and use the barn and field ourselves. I would love to have good, responsible neighbor's over there!!
If he was my neighbor, he would've been shot when he peeked in my window! On the more realistic side, I think you need to contact his parents that own the house! Make it very clear to them that THEY as the land owners, will be responsible for idiot boy's actions! I would contact the police and file a report so that they know what is going on, so the next time it happens, and it will, they have a record of his behavior and some background on him. Give the police his parnet's names too. By bringing his parents into the scene, chances are, they may either read him the riot act and he will staighten up, or SUE the tar out of THEM! With that threat, I bet he flies straight, if only for awhile. Give him time, he'll be in jail all by himself from the sounds of it. Sorry you have to deal with this nut job!

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