So very wrong. So very unfair!!!!!!

THey sort of got used to us, but still curled up -no hissing though. THey knew we would feed them at night. THey showed up wiith their babies as soom as it got darl. THey are usually full of ticks in the wild so i didnt pick them up to often but when i saw a live one near the road id carry it to safety. Unfortunatley you saw them more often run over and dead by the road like you see possums and racoons here. Those poor guys are just to small and slow. And back in germany they hibernate. Some babies that are found too small are brought to wild life stations so they can fatten up. here is a german website for your enjoyment
oh and they love to eat bugs, snails and slugs too. If it is meat and slower than them it game on.
the german word for hedgehog is IGEL and is pronounced just like the english word EAGLE"
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Years ago my SO and myself rescued a albino one from a pet store that went out of business. They didn't charge us for the hedgehog but it had a sore on its little leg.

Now my big plan was to get it home, turn it over and unroll it and treat the leg.
What was I thinking?
You ain't gonna unroll a hedgehog.

Eventually we did get the fellows leg healed up and he was a member of the family for several years. I still have to laugh ever time I think about trying to unroll the hedgehog.
Oh cool. Thanks for the info and the link.
I need my husband here. He speaks pretty reasonable German.
His father was also Air Force and he lived in Germany twice growing up. I can figure out little bits though. LOL There are some adorable pics on that site so far.
LOL too funny!!! Glad you were able to save the little cutie though!!!

It has always been in my nature to try and save wounded creatures. We named the hedgehog Ho Ho. I remember thinking that helping Ho Ho would be a peice of cake.
Yeah right !!!
Ho Ho taught me a thing or two but I had a ball learning. Hedgehogs rockl!!!!

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