So what did you cook today?

Oh and everyone's cooking is making me hungrier.....I have had bad case of munchies last 2 weeks! Think it's the shorter daylight!
Bargain wrote: Can anyone explain how to make a simple fritata to me....

I think it is an omelet that you stick under the broiler. I do not like browned egg enough to bother.
A frittata is more or less a crustless quiche or tart that uses little milk or half-n-half. Usually they're baked until set, topped with cheese, and then broiled to melt the cheese.
I have two of our favorites posted here:

Sausage Frittata

Italian Sausage Frittata

ETA: I forgot the OP! Today I cooked a pot of northern beans with a ham hock, carrots, onion and celery. Homemade bread sliced thick for garlic bread, and salad from fresh garden lettuce.
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A frittata is more or less a crustless quiche or tart that uses little milk or half-n-half. Usually they're baked until set, topped with cheese, and then broiled to melt the cheese.
I have two of our favorites posted here:

Sausage Frittata

Italian Sausage Frittata

ETA: I forgot the OP! Today I cooked a pot of northern beans with a ham hock, carrots, onion and celery. Homemade bread sliced thick for garlic bread, and salad from fresh garden lettuce.

sounds yummy! thanks!
Camelot Farms, we have raw goat milk here and yes, I make Mozzarella cheese.....

Mozzarella cheese:

* 1/2 teaspoon double strength liquid vegetarian renet dissolved in
1/2 cup cool, chlorine-free water (most bottled waters are chlorine-free)
(or 1/2 tablet junket rennet tablet (non flavored)!
* 2 gallon milk
* 2 1/2 teaspoons citric acid dissolved in 1 cup of chlorine free water
* 2 teaspoons of non iodized salt

Crush the rennet into the water and stir to dissolve (non aluminum container for this and all other parts of recipe) Pour milk into a non-reactive pot (no aluminum or cast iron). Heat milk over medium heat to to 88 degrees F. Add dissolved citric acid and then the rennet solution and continue stirring slowly every few minutes until the milk reaches 105 degrees F. Turn off the heat. Let sit for 1 to 2 hours until Large curds will appear (they will be at the bottom of the pan) and begin to separate from the whey (the clear, greenish liquid).

With a slotted spoon or mesh strainer, scoop the curd into a large glass bowl. Knead 2 teaspoons of salt with this (If it's still too liquid, let it set for a few more minutes). Press the curds gently with your hand and pour off as much whey as possible. Microwave curds on high for 1 minute, (for me only 45 seconds as our microwave is 1100 watts) then drain off all the excess whey. With a spoon, press curds into a ball until cool. Microwave two more times for 35 seconds each, (only 22 for ours) and continue to drain the whey and work cheese into a ball. In the meantime, place the whey over medium heat and let it heat to about 175 degrees F.

When cheese is cool enough to touch, knead it like bread dough until smooth. When you can stretch it like taffy, it is done. The cheese will become stretchy, smooth and shiny. If it is difficult to stretch and breaks easily, dip it into the hot whey for a few seconds to make it warm and pliable. Then pick it up again and stretch it into a long rope. Fold over and stretch again. Dip in hot whey as needed to make the cheese pliable.

When the cheese is smooth and shiny (this takes just a few minutes), it is ready to eat. Shape it into a log or golf-size balls, then store in a solution of 2 teaspoons salt to 1 cup water. After 24 hours remove from solution and then wrap in saran wrap.....May freeze solid or freeze shredded (my choice)

Let me know if you need any help making....Can use raw cow milk but I prefer goats and I have it! You can cut recipe in half as you like...Above recipe makes about 20 to 24 ounces of cheese.

It's fun - like making taffy!
today's cooking.....

Cinnamon rolls from the yeast roll mixture

and made and cooked yeast rolls....

Thinking chicken and rice, don't know for tonight.....

What's cooking at your place?

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