Soda/Obesity Tax?

What do you think about the Soda/Obesity Tax?

  • I support it - it's a great idea.

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  • I'm on the fence.

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  • I'm against it.

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  • I don't drink sodas.

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  • Other - specify.

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With Nifty as Master Hippie and Lady Jayne as Peace Maker. Who would PC be?

I'd be the guy sitting on the front porch with an unsweet tea in my hand watching the chickens peck the ground with a BIG smile on my face.
With Nifty as Master Hippie and Lady Jayne as Peace Maker. Who would PC be?

I'd be the guy sitting on the front porch with an unsweet tea in my hand watching the chickens peck the ground with a BIG smile on my face.

First Assistant to the Master Hippie, then.
But then you run into the problem of genetics. Can you tax people because they have a genetic predisposition for obesity? I try to eat healthy and exercise. I'm still very overweight. My cousin is a size two. She eats horribly and doesn't exercise. My parents and family from waaaayyyyy back are large people. Her extended family is all tiny. Clearly she won the genetics lottery. Why should I get penalized for something I cannot control?
If the gov't truly was concerned about our health, they would be offering help for unhealthy addictions. Smoking, drinking, overeating, lack of exercise, etc. would be treated instead of taxed.
In the state of Illinois, we already have the soda, candy, obesity and yes, fast food taxes.

I know I am responsible for my DD's diet but only in moderation like an once a week or once every two weeks, she will have soda. We are mainly water drinkers, have an occasional hot tea on a cold day or hot chocolate for my DD once in a while too!

Maybe they ought to tax heavily on the cereral or any food companies for "processed foods" taxes for all the hidden sugars and fats in the foods!
What kind of garbage is this? I was a smoker they started taxing Cigs and I quit. Consequently I gained an amount of weight through compensating for the loss of cigs. Now they want to tax me for being fat........that's just wrong.
I hear ya sister!!! FOR REAL!

I'm healthier for quitting smoking, but I joined a gym to try NOT to gain weight from quitting, and I am now up 10lbs!
I hear ya sister!!! FOR REAL!

I'm healthier for quitting smoking, but I joined a gym to try NOT to gain weight from quitting, and I am now up 10lbs!

Geeeze are we all in the same boat!

I'm almost up to 6 months quit! I won't talk about the extra weight!

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