Soft Shelled Stuck - Now Lethargic


Nov 16, 2021
New England
** Update: she was standing and eating this morning!**

Hi! I have a 1 year and 3 month old Lavender Orpington named Priscilla.

Yesterday she had a soft shelled white membrane hanging from her vent. Soaked her in warm Epsom and it came right out. She was free ranging with her sisters, but seemed a little “off.”

Last night she went up to roost but then around 9pm we had to open the coop so she could go in the nest box where she stayed all night and morning.

I have her in the garage now in a comfortable area. She’s drinking a little. Not eating. Lethargic.

Crop is squishy, like a water balloon. Poop is pictured below. Comb is dark red, slightly purple at tip.

Currently prescribing:
Lots of love

Anything else I can do? Thank you!


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It looks like she could really use a butt bath!
Yes! She definitely needs a spa day. Most of that is from yesterday after her bath. So she definitely is not feeling well.

Checked for lice, mites, maggots. Nothing. Clean as a whistle. Dewormed them about 3 months ago.

Food is grower crumble with free oyster shell available at all times. We have a mixed flock of girls still growing out and layers. Grit is also always provided. They also free range most of the day.

Treats are mealworms and scratch. Limited.

Thank you!!
The symptoms are those of egg binding. She needs at least 600mg of calcium to stimulate contractions to expel the rest of the egg material. Or another egg could be stuck behind what's left of the first.

Keep her quiet and hydrated and leave her with a little food, but don't disturb her beyond giving the calcium and checking on her.

Tums are okay in a pinch but calcium citrate is easier to absorb.
The symptoms are those of egg binding. She needs at least 600mg of calcium to stimulate contractions to expel the rest of the egg material. Or another egg could be stuck behind what's left of the first.

Keep her quiet and hydrated and leave her with a little food, but don't disturb her beyond giving the calcium and checking on her.

Tums are okay in a pinch but calcium citrate is easier to absorb. View attachment 3602057
My poor peanut! Thank you! I’m getting this now for her. Thank you!
The symptoms are those of egg binding. She needs at least 600mg of calcium to stimulate contractions to expel the rest of the egg material. Or another egg could be stuck behind what's left of the first.

Keep her quiet and hydrated and leave her with a little food, but don't disturb her beyond giving the calcium and checking on her.

Tums are okay in a pinch but calcium citrate is easier to absorb. View attachment 3602057
Got it! Should I crush it up for her? Mix it with food? It’s 650mg

Thank you!


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