Soft Shelled Stuck - Now Lethargic

Pop the whole pill into her beak. Chickens have no problem swallowing lizards and mice whole, so a pill is nothing.
Haha so I am babying her. She finally just drank a ton of water, not eating but I’m hopeful that this medicine helps. I ordered her FishMox as well. Just in case. I read your post that said yolk, if in her, is a breeding ground for bacteria. Soon as I have that I’ll start her on that as well. Hoping she makes it through today and tonight. I know they are resilient little things!
The symptoms are those of egg binding. She needs at least 600mg of calcium to stimulate contractions to expel the rest of the egg material. Or another egg could be stuck behind what's left of the first.

Keep her quiet and hydrated and leave her with a little food, but don't disturb her beyond giving the calcium and checking on her.

Tums are okay in a pinch but calcium citrate is easier to absorb. View attachment 3602057
She’s on the mend! Back to her normal self. She’s still in the hospital wing and her amoxicillin comes today. Do you think I should treat her with that in case the yolk did break inside her?

She’s eating and drinking. Normal poop (little runny). Crop is still a bit squishy - it’s more her whole front chest not just to the right. She has been wheezing a little.
Hang onto the antibiotic for now. The second you notice yellow poop or she starts to be lethargic, then start her on the amoxy at 250mg per day for ten days.
Hang onto the antibiotic for now. The second you notice yellow poop or she starts to be lethargic, then start her on the amoxy at 250mg per day for ten daysp.

Is this what I think it is?? Lash?? She just laid this right in front of me.


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Flip. We put her back with her sisters yesterday, but I could tell she was still off. “Fake” scratching. Then she was just hanging by me and laid this. My poor girl. She’s only a little over a year :(
Awww. I'm not sure there's anything that can be done for salpingitis. If that is indeed a lash egg, it means that the problem has been internal for quite some time, with the addition of the flystrike issue the outlook isn't so great I'm afraid. Maybe it isn't a lash egg though. Is it firm? It might help to cut it in half to see what that larger part looks like. Perhaps it's some other kind of material that's not as worrisome...😬
Awww. I'm not sure there's anything that can be done for salpingitis. If that is indeed a lash egg, it means that the problem has been internal for quite some time, with the addition of the flystrike issue the outlook isn't so great I'm afraid. Maybe it isn't a lash egg though. Is it firm? It might help to cut it in half to see what that larger part looks like. Perhaps it's some other kind of material that's not as worrisome...😬
I’ll cut it open. She doesn’t have fly strike either thank god. She had a nice spa day the other day so her rump is all clean! :) also gave me the chance to triple check she didn’t have lice or mites. All clear.

We’ve had some chicks with lash egg before. It’s usually super gross and yellow and harder. But this looks suspect. I’m hoping that if someone can confirm lash, I just ordered baytril and I can treat asap. I know it won’t save her, but maybe I can lessen the pain and suffering.

It’s so sad that they have been bred so much to produce so many eggs to the detriment of themselves. I’d prefer she never lay, but just stick around :(
She doesn’t have fly strike either thank god.
Oh gosh! Sorry 🤦‍♀️. I mixed this thread up with a different one where someone was dealing with flystrike. I thought "oh no! Not a lash egg on top of it!!"

Upon looking more closely, you're right, it doesn't look like other lash eggs I've seen either (which are more "waxy" and firm). Hopefully someone who knows more than me will chime in on what else it might be. It's definitely weird.

Glad she doesn't have any other buggers!

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