Solar power


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I have never tried solar power in my coop, but there is no reason it can't work. You will do well by posting this question in our Coop Construction section here on BYC for lots of construction ideas for your coop...

Good luck with your solar adventure and we are so glad you joined!
We have a solar powered thingamajig that I'll get the proper name for when hubby gets home. Looks like an orange box. Cost $200. It runs an electric current through the horse's fencing. Sunny days good, overcast days, not so good, but that's fine for horses because they remember one zap forever and don't know about overcast vs sunny power supplies. But that might not work for chickens because a predator might come to the fence on an overcast day and, bingo.
This is my first run with chickens so I don't know what to expect on the electric bill. I'll only be running a 250 watt heat bulb and a low energy bulb for daylight
Solar for me charges up battery battery runs fence. So I think ok though cloud and sun but really we are just starting and time...,
Ak rain

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