some confirmation on breed/gender

You were lied to.

1. Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel.
2. Cuckoo Marans pullet, UNLESS those are the beginnings of a beard, then it's an EE.
3. Easter Eggers (both of them). The red one is a cockerel, the white one is a pullet.
4. Same Easter Egger cockerel.
5. Probably a production red or New Hampshire Red.

Think of it this way, if she TOLD you that you were getting some Welsummers, and all of us agree that none of your birds are Welsummers, then someone's lying and it's doubtful that it's the entirety of the BYC community.
Well I hate to use the word lie... I prefer to think that perhaps a mistake x6 happened! Others have told me to confront her but its really not my style, but I certainly wouldn't buy from her again... not chickens, or my lambs and pigs again so she has lost a fairly good customer.. and she cetainly won't be buying my fayoumi breeding pair.... what would she turn those into!!

Anyway, all the birds have egg yolk yellow legs except the white/grey beige mix who's legs are dark grey. I though EE's had grey legs? I never thought I would be doing a genetics class on chickens! I really need to try and get a close up bird by bird and start the tedious download via dial-up!!
with ee's the grey leg trait can be bred out if the original araucana was quite a few generations back. just like some of them can have a different comb, or lose the muffs and beard. the more generations back the actual planned cross was compared to the most recent breeding mix, or the more generations that have crossed with breeds with non-gray legs, the more likely they are to not carry all the "expected" traits.
yup. she has two sheds which she has seperated into various pens, I went into the sheds and chattered with the birds, she only lives about 5 minutes from me so its not like she's out of my way. I certainly did not see any barred rock but did see huge back cochins, what appeared to be australorp and americauna's amoung other breeds ...they looked just like the pictures I have seen!

Oddly she did ask about other birds I had gotten (as though I had mixed up the one's I bought from her vs the other breeders) its pretty hard to mistake silkies, fayoumis and columbian rocks ... her's are the only others we bought.
I wonder if she had gotten a Barred Plymouth Rock chick from another person without knowing it?

Lie may have been a strong word, but not knowing the full extend of the breeds that she owns and advertising them as something she knows will sell seems a bit "off" to me.
I understand what you meant.... I could understand one mistake such as when she said she may have mixed up the 'welsummer' with a chantecler (because they looked very much alike as babies) and she offerred to replace it but of course I thought the barred beige/grey one was cute and I have raised it that point for 9 weeks.. but to mix up 6.....

According to the breeding association she has:

Dark Cornish
Faverolles (Salmon)
speckled sussex
partridge wyandotte
white wyandotte
I think you said it when you stated you wouldn't be doing business with this person again. Whether this person KNEW (deceitful) or didn't KNOW (ignorant), by steering clear of that place you will move on to meet knowledgeable fowl friends.
I have australorps, welsummers, barred rocks, cuckoo marans, ameraucanas/ee, et al. I agree with the diagnosis of the above BYC members' posts.
There are so many honest chicken people out there that love and know their flock. It's not hard to find them, 'specially if you make friends here at BYC!!! I also recommend getting to know your feed store people, my feed store folks have always been knowledgeable and helpful. The birds you got look like nice birds. : ) But it is disappointing when one discovers what you bought isn't what you THOUGHT you bought.
It always hurts when someone you trust proves themselves untrustworthy.
Glad you're a BYC member, a great place to learn and lots of nice, helpful and knowledgeable chicken lovers!!
Me, myself, and I, all 3 of us would bring her the photos. And if possible the barred bird and ask her what they are, if she can't ask her why not since they came from her as pure. Next step make it public. Who cares what board she is on, most politician only make it to the top by lying and cheating and this seems to be what she has done.

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