Some PIG!

Pigs are food everything else...including

He should come around pretty fast just by you going in and handing him treats and food. Oh, and any left over goat milk you might have.
I think I would get him used to you before putting him out on pasture...just in case he gets loose. Maybe teach him to come to you by shaking a bucket of grain.
If you had a hard time finding piglets....hmmm...maybe you should get him a girlfriend before he goes into the freezer? I'm having a hard time finding piglets here in Ohio too.
What a lovely pig Miss P!

We're getting a pig Monday as well. A very nice BYC member is keeping them at his home, and I'm going to help as much as I can with food and scraps. I can't wait for home grown pork. MMmmmm
Are you going to slaughter and butcher him yourself or hire it done?

I feel like this is a stupid question to be asking Miss Prissy, but just curious. I've heard butchering pigs is pretty easy.

Actually, I've seen what those look like as adults, and for some reason they look a lot less nasty and intimidating than the all-pink or the hairy wild-looking ones. I feel bad about eating pigs that pretty, they look so peaceful, like Holstein cows. Yes, I realize they look a lot less peaceful when they have decided to bite you for the sin of not dropping the slop bucket fast enough.
We did a pig once on our kitchen table. It was salvage as he dropped dead from a heart attack (so we think) like three days prior to going away to be processed. I couldn't live with letting all that meat go to waste.

And with that said, I'd never do it again except for triage/emergency.
Miss not feed from your hands to it's mouth...that is how a person loses their fingers. Drop the food on the ground. My dh keeps telling me they won't bite me but I am still leary of them when I go into their pen to find their feed pan or put the roof ( they get to playing and remove it
it) back on the large dog house in there. They will soon outgrow it. I can scratch their backs now though.

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