some think that gun laws are unconstitutional

Then I feel very sorry for you. How much more lax could they be short of dispensing with the need for a licence? Geez.

I'm still looking forward to you posting the link to those figures you showed us regarding the rates of violent deaths on various countries. It's looks interesting.

Most of the US you can walk in to a gun store an walk out with anything up to a 50 Cal in minutes. There is a background check for felonys but it takes seconds an not required for everyone everywhere. An there is no record kept of who bought what. An in my state I can carry mine openly almost everywhere in the state. I do have a permit so I can hide mine when I want but its optional.

I posted the most up to date data I found( ) but if ya need more google is your friend.

I like that stat chart there Rebel. Overall crime rate. Notice how every country on there except the US and Australia are more or less 3rd world countries. Notice also that it's all crimes not just guns. So it bears no relevance whatsoever to this debate.

By the way. Having more than one c-section is not dangerous. My wife has had 3. C-sections are done when the woman or the babies health is in potential jeopardy. Contrary to what a lot of people espouse. Natural birth is great if all the conditions are right. A lot of women have died giving birth through the ages. Used to be a lot of widowers raising big broods.

Why don't you find the stats on how many states allow people to walk in a gun shop and buy a handgun without a background check. I bought a handgun in 1993 and I had to wait 1 week. I can buy a rifle anytime and of course anyone can buy a handgun at a gun show.

The only reasonable thing I've heard so far is "It's my right and I'll do it if I want to". That sums it all up. No baseless arguments needed.
They told us that in 1776

How'd that work out for you?

Shotguns in the UK have to locked into a rack in the back of a vehicle whilst in transit. You have to move very far from any road before you fire it and be careful which way you point the thing. As in the case you cite, it's seems very easy to get it wrong. And it's easy to lose your licence.

Now what you've posted on shotguns is a mirrored in a state law here. As long as the firearm is out of reach of the driver and unloaded you are fine. Now if you have a cpp or ccw (depending on state) then you can have it on you and loaded. But as far as purposes of hunting goes, one is not to discharge a firearm within 400 feet of any occupied dwelling.
When I first moved to Tx in 1984 they allowed people to drink while driving. Of course you couldn't be drunk, but you could be drinking a beer with a cop sitting next to you and he couldn't stop you. Then there was the old guy that called 911 to let them know he was going to shoot the 2 Mexicans burglarizing his neighbors house. He was told not to do it and said wait they're getting away and proceeded to shoot them in the back. The amazing part is he got off.

So who knows about Tx laws. I think the only ones they're strict on is their pot laws.
I'm English, not American. I have been expressing my personal views about gun control. Posters have focused, inevitably on a mainly American forum I guess, on the continuing debate in the US. I have been contributing my honest opinions and have no axe to grind for or against the US.

I don't think that I've expressed an extreme view or suggested that all guns be banned. However, I think that loose gun laws are as much a threat to law abiding citizens as they are a protection. I had hoped that views from other countries might be welcome.

They're welcome Thai. Most Americans realize there are other countries out there. People are just real sensitive about their guns here. The 2nd amendment is open to interpretation like everything in the Constitution. People are afraid it might be interpreted in a way they don't agree with. So the debate continues.

An entire 16 page thread on the second amendment and I missed it?!?

Well, just know that I agree 150% with whatever Mr. Boyd said. The man is a genius

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